ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 61 of 67
УЖМБС 2020, 5(3): 450–455
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Using of Cardio Exercises on Physical Culture for Improvement of Adaptive Capabilities of Cardiovascular System

Deryabkina T., Kolodyazhna T., Nahorny P.

The purpose of the research was to study the current state of lessons in the discipline "physical training" at various levels of education and their modernization in the context of improving the adaptive capacity of the cardiovascular system. Material and methods. In the course of research, we used the following methods: theoretical analysis of special scientific and methodical literature, functional test Ruffle to determine the level of adaptive capacity of the cardiovascular system, methods of mathematical statistics. The research was conducted from 23.11.2017 to 27.05.2018 in School №19 in Chernihiv. The study was attended by 85 students of the 11th form of School №19. All students belong to the main medical group, gave written consent for the study. We proposed to increase the proportion of cardio exercises during one lesson and to differentiate the exercises by the level of physical training. Exercises were chosen in a way that they could use all muscle groups if possible. For the initial and intermediate levels, each exercise lasted 30 seconds with 15 seconds break. For a high level, each exercise lasted 40 seconds with 20 seconds break. Exercises were divided into complexes (groups). Each of the complexes was repeated twice, and after each execution, there was rest for 1 minute. The participants were divided into 3 groups according to the level of physical training and into 4 control group. All students were taken to a Ruffle test before and after experimental part of research. The data obtained were statistically analyzed. Results and discussion. As a result of the study, positive changes in the adaptive capacity of the cardiovascular system of the students who participated in the study were identified. The average value of the Ruffle index decreased in all three groups, and the control group indices did not change. The obtained changes were statistically proved using the Wilcoxon W test. In the experimental group, the P-value was less than the critical value (0.05), and this, in turn, indicated the significance of the changes that occurred when we used the new model of the content of the lessons. Moreover, in the control group, the P-value significantly exceeded the critical value. Therefore, we can assume that the use of cardio exercises allowed us to assert that a sufficient level of effectiveness of using the new model of the lesson. Conclusion. Thus, the authors demonstrated the effectiveness of using cardio exercises in physical education lessons, divided into groups according to the level of physical training to improve the adaptive capacity of the cardiovascular system. The combination of cardiovascular and physical exercise, and sports games for the development of all physiological systems in the body proved to be effective.

Keywords: cardio exercises, school classes, students, adaptive capabilities, cardiovascular system, index of Ruffle

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