ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 53 of 67
УЖМБС 2020, 5(3): 398–402
Humanitarian issues of medicine and problem of teaching at the higher school

University Clinic as a Transition to the Highest Level of Future Doctors Training

Frolov Yu. A.

Reforming the health care system of Ukraine is impossible without reforming medical education, which is a part of this system. The goal of this reform is to move to a higher level of quality in training of future doctors, which will allow specialists who are qualified to meet international standards and improve the quality of medical care for the population to come to medical institutions. The opening of a medical institute at Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University poses new challenges for the university leadership concerning the development of the quality of future doctors training and, as a result, the quality of patient care. Based on the strategic development plan of Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, priority directions of medical education development, the purpose of this work is to study the existing management systems in the university clinics of Ukraine and Europe, to create an optimal management model of the clinic of Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University. The University Clinic is not a modern concept, its development has a long history. It is a time-tested medical institution with an organizational structure, the main purpose of which is to provide quality education to students, to develop medical science and treatment of patients at modern level. The first university clinics in Ukraine were established at the end of XIX century: in 1846 it was founded at the Medical Faculty of St. Volodymyr University in Kyiv, in 1896 it was started at the Medical Faculty of Kharkiv Imperial University, in 1897 it was established at the Medical Faculty of Lviv University, in 1900 it was founded at the Medical Faculty of Novorossiysk Imperial University in Odessa. When the university clinic was established, the goals were put in its basis: to provide the educational process of students, masters, clinical residents, postgraduate students of the University; provide the training and professional development of medical workers according to the standards of higher education; to conduct research work; development, testing and introduction of new medical technologies and provision of tertiary (highly specialized), secondary (specialized) medical care to patients; conducting the treatment process at the level of international standards. There are several options in the world to establish university clinics: Individual medical units or legal entities within universities; Federal or municipal multi-field health care institutions (hospitals), on the basis of which clinical departments of medical faculties of universities are located; State cooperation (associations). Conclusion. From the management point of view, the article carried out a comparative analysis of options for creating university clinics, their advantages and disadvantages, which in the future will create an optimal model and implement this management model in the clinic.

Keywords: university clinic, organizational structure, management systems

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