ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 46 of 67
УЖМБС 2020, 5(3): 344–350
Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy

The Influence of the Physical Therapy Program in the Post-Immobilization Period of Rehabilitation on the Dynamics of the Parameters of the Structure and Function of the Wrist Joint

Byrchak V. M.

Widespread injuries of the upper limb, complex anatomy, and great demands on coordination and subtle movements require long-term rehabilitation and the definition of new approaches to physical therapy for their traumatic injuries. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the physical therapy program by the dynamics of indicators of structure and function in patients with post-traumatic wrist joint contracture. Material and methods. 56 people with post-immobilization contracture of the wrist joint were examined. Patients were divided into two groups: a comparison group (29 people), in which a rehabilitation program was conducted according to the principles of outpatient rehabilitation (massage, kinesitherapy, the use of preformed physical factors). The main group (27 people) consisted of people undergoing rehabilitation according to the developed physical therapy program. The developed program lasted 2 months, and was introduced during the outpatient rehabilitation phase and consisted of the following components: The author's combination of a warm moist compress in combination with post-isometric relaxation of the muscles of the forearm and hand; Massage of the wrist, wrist joint, forearm, shoulder; Kinesitherapy: functional training of the muscles of the forearm, wrist; Position treatment using individual dynamic orthoses for the wrist joint; Kinesio taping of the forearm and wrist. Results and discussion. The effectiveness of the program was evaluated in the dynamics comparing the state of a healthy and injured arm according to the results of determining the intensity of the pain syndrome, the amplitude of movements in the wrist joint, girth sizes, wrist dynamometry, a Nine-hole peg test. The post-traumatic post-immobilization syndrome of the wrist joint was characterized by a deterioration in the indicators of structure and function: pain at rest and during movement, swelling of the hand, wrist joint, forearm, contracture of the wrist joint, decreased hand strength, worsening dexterity of finger movements. The introduction of the developed physical therapy program improved the condition of patients in all studied parameters statistically significantly better (p <0.05) than the general outpatient program. Conclusion. An injury to the bones of the forearm leads to a pronounced violation of the quality of life and social functioning due to the limited functionality of the forearm and hand. The developed physical therapy program allows us to minimize the possibility of long-term complications, to restore working capacity in the shortest possible time, which has important socio-economic importance for the patient and for the state.

Keywords: fracture, wrist joint, physical therapy

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