ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 41 of 67
УЖМБС 2020, 5(3): 304–311
Social medicine and organization of health care

Personnel Component as а Part of Effective Logistics of Medical Institution

Kolomoets A. V., Tolstanov O. K., Gbur Z. V.

The effectiveness of a country's health care system is greatly influenced by its resource provision, including staffing. After all, the availability of the necessary personnel, the level of their qualification and the correctness of distribution, along with the developed complex of motivation and creation of proper working conditions with a decent level of remuneration, high social well-being, full material and technological support of the labor process are prerequisites for creating an adequate level of medical care. The role of personnel in the reform of the medical sector is increasing, since they are largely responsible for the effectiveness of the reforms. Thus, in the light of the above, we have considered the current state of health care personnel in Ukraine, and determined the degree of research into issues in the field of improvement of human resources management in general, as well as in the context of healthcare institutions. Taking into account the constant changes in the healthcare sector, logistics is an effective and necessary tool for optimizing the activities of medical institutions, in particular in the area of staffing. The next step in the study is to identify the existing approaches to the definition of personnel logistics, and to propose its own definition of the term. Continuing the line of research, we identified the existing problems with personnel in medical institutions, which confirmed the need for the introduction of personnel logistics in their activities. At the same time, the degree of staffing in 2018 was determined, with further identification of the largest and smallest shortage of medical workers. We identified the directions of optimization of a situation which was developed in health care establishments, by practical realization of logistic concept in the part of personnel management on the basis of optimization of input, internal and output flows of manpower, along with determination of stages of implementation of the principles of personnel logistics in activity medical institutions. In addition, the study identified the importance and direction of implementing personnel logistics in emergency medical services as one of the most important components of a medical facility.

Keywords: logistics, personnel logistics, medical institution, personnel, emergency medical care, staffing

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