ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 41 of 42
УЖМБС 2020, 5(2): 290–295
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Optimal Model Characteristics of Physical Training of Military Services

Romanchuk S. 1, Dobrovolsky V. 2, Romanchuk V. 3, Boyarchuk O. 3, Homanyuk S. 4

Taking into account the requirements for ensuring the physical and psychological readiness of the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, there is a need to clarify the general and special tasks of physical training, depending on the category and groups of military specialties. The solution to this problem is in the development of model indicators of the physical preparedness of servicemen of different categories and groups of military specialties of the Armed Forces, which is the current scientific task of optimization of the armed forces. The purpose of the study was to develop model indicators of physical fitness of military personnel, depending on the group of military specialties and category according to the level of requirements for physical fitness. Material and methods. The experiment was organized on the basis of the National Academy of Land Forces named after Peter Sahaidachnyi according to the TNFP-2014 tests and according to the results of the examination of the state of physical training and the level of physical fitness of the military personnel in June- October 2018. A total of 872 results were processed. To determine the model indicators of the physical readiness of the military, we chose the method of mathematical data processing, namely the cluster analysis. Results and discussion. In the course of testing we also clarified the proposals concerning the structure of the new edition of the Physical Training Manual for the Armed Forces of Ukraine; reorganization of the subsystem of management of the process of physical improvement of military personnel and improvement of program-normative bases of the Armed Forces system of military personnel of the Armed Forces; certain categories and age groups of the Armed Forces servicemen; a list of physical exercises and conditions of their performance; special tasks of the Armed Forces for military personnel of the Armed Forces and lists of basic exercises included in physical training programs; testing complexes of physical exercises for carrying out control exercises, inspections, complex (partial) checks for military personnel of the Armed Forces. Conclusions. We calculated model indicators of physical fitness in servicemen of different categories and groups of military specialties of the Armed Forces taking into account the data of testing of physical fitness of servicemen. The developed model indicators reflect the optimum level of development of physical fitness of servicemen and can be applied during the assessment of the level of physical fitness in the conditions of conducting classes and drawing up of standards on physical training.

Keywords: military personnel, physical fitness, group, category, model indicators

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