ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 52 of 57
УЖМБС 2020, 5(1): 330–335

Features of Neurodynamic Properties in Schoolchildren with Information and Motor Activity of Different Intensity

Zaikina A. L.

The article presents an analysis of the assessment of the neurodynamic properties of students of 12-15 years of different sexes with different levels of information load intensity and organized motor activity. Today, the issue of the influence of school factors on psychophysiological properties, including neurodynamic characteristics, remains relevant. Material and methods. Pupils of the gymnasium (116 people) with a high information load (due to optional lessons) and 2 academic hours of physical education per week made up the main research group. The educational process of a specialized institution of general secondary education, whose students made up the comparison group, was distinguished by a dynamic component in the class schedule due to physical education lessons. The number of academic hours of physical education per week was 5 classes. Results and discussion. The neurodynamic properties of students were studied using the «Diagnost-1» computer system developed by N. Makarenko and V. Lizogub. In the course of the study, the nature of the manifestation of sensorimotor responsiveness by the ability of the higher parts of the central nervous system to provide the maximum level of rapid action for each student behind the error-free differentiation of positive and inhibitory stimuli was studied. Reliable differences between students of different educational institutions were shown in terms of the functional mobility of nervous processes, the speed of response to stimuli of increased complexity, as well as the mistakes that the students made during the study of the sensorimotor reaction of choosing one of the three stimuli. Students with high intensity of organized motor activity showed positive relationships between the magnitude of the strength of nervous processes and most cognitive properties: the amount of visual memory, the amount of attention, the development of conceptual thinking and visual-figurative thinking. This confirms the fact of the stimulating effect of a greater power of the nervous system on the development of mental functions. Conclusion. The study showed positive influence of systematic information loads on the development of visual-motor reactions of increased complexity. We found no correlation between the characteristics of the neurodynamic properties and the intensity of organized motor activity.

Keywords: neurodynamic properties, visual-motor reactions, strength of nervous processes, functional mobility of nervous processes

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