ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 14 of 60
УЖМБС 2019, 4(6): 99–103
Clinical Medicine

Applying Complex Therapy at Treatment of Hyperprolactinemia

Avramenko N. V., Gridina I. B., Nikiforov O. A., Razygraeva M. O.

Hyperprolactinemia is due to a major problem and current nutrition at the current hour. The loan is different from the endocrine-free structure and the miscarriage. At the current rhythm of life, the chronical stress provokes the compensatory function of prolactin for pathology. Cortisol raises androgens and reduces Luteinizing and Follicle-stimulating hormones, which should be manifested in the decreased synthesis of estradiol and progesterone, changes in the sensitivity of the tissue to the growth of hormone-releasing hormone. Prolactin instantly responds to stress and triggers a whole mechanism of influence on the reproductive system. According to the research, the women who lead active lifestyle and work in responsible jobs have a greater likelihood of hyperprolactinemia. This often leads to problems ranging from changes in the mammary gland, menstrual irregularities to infertility and miscarriage. The difficulty in diagnosing hyperprolactinemia is primarily because it usually occurs when clinical symptoms appear. Today, the drug of choice in the treatment of hyperprolactinemia is dopamine receptor agonist drugs, named cabergoline. The effectiveness and safety of using these drugs was proved. At the same time, there is insufficient data in the literature about the duration of the preservation of clinical and laboratory effects after treatment with dopamine receptor agonists. Material and methods. We examined 75 women of reproductive age who became infertile in order to analyze the effectiveness of complex and monotherapy, and to track the duration of prolactin levels within the reference values after 1 and 3 months of treatment. Women were divided into three groups: the first group, where cabergoline with plasmapheresis was used, the second group patients used cabergoline with ozone therapy, and the third group patients had only drug therapy. Results and discussion. Discrete plasmapheresis was carried out in the first phase of the cycle every other day. Ozone therapy was carried out in the form of intravenous drip infusions of ozonized physiological saline. After 3 months, prolactin levels were re-analyzed and it was reliably determined that group 1 and 2 had a lower prolactin concentration than group treated with drug therapy alone. Namely, in group 1 women prolactin remained decreased by 66.1 % (р 0.05), compared with the initial level, and in the second group it was by 62.92 % (р 0.05), in group 3 it was by 36.98 % (p0.05). Comparing the results of the 1st and 3rd months of treatment, groups 1 and 2 maintained a more stable level of lactotrophic hormone than those in group 3. All the above indicate a greater efficacy of complex therapy and a prolonged effect, which may increase the percentage of positive prognosis after treatment, namely to increase the rate of pregnancy in such patients, which is in line with the current literature. Conclusion. The study showed that the integrated use of non-drug treatment methods affected the preservation of prolactin levels within the reference values for a longer time, as evidenced by the results of blood serum analysis. This significantly increases the positive prognosis of pregnancy quality in patients with functional hyperprolactinemia.

Keywords: prolactin, hyperprolactinemia, infertility

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