ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 58 of 60
УЖМБС 2019, 4(6): 399–406
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Substantiation of Necessity of Training Specialists in the Specialty 014.14 "Secondary Education (Human Health)" at the Faculty of Physical

Zhydenko A., Bibchuk K., Papernyk V.

Analysis of the labor market of teachers in the subject "The Basics of Human Health" with education program 014.14 "Human Health" indicates that it is insufficient in secondary schools both separately for Chernihiv and related areas and for Ukraine as a whole. Joining the specialty 014.05 "Secondary Education (Biology)" with 014.14 "Secondary Education (Human Health)" has led to a decline in the quality of training future teachers of human health. Absence of free places for students in universities in specialty 014.14 "Secondary education (Human health)" has drawn on it future potential qualified specialists by vocation, reduced the number of entrants, since training of such specialists is possible only for money of individuals or legal entities, and the possibility of the Ukrainian population to pay for education is very low. The purpose of work was to evaluate the appropriateness of joining budget specialty "Secondary Education (Human Health)" to the specialty "Secondary Education (Biology)" and to substantiate the return of free places in the specialty 014.14 "Secondary education (Human Health)" to Physical Education Faculty. Material and methods. Theoretical methods (comparative–logical analysis of normative–legal documents in the field of education, curricula, educational programs, psychological and pedagogical, methodical literature, Internet resources, work experience of scientific and pedagogical workers of higher education institutions of Ukraine) were used in order to determine the status and prospects for solution the studying problem; abstraction, synthesis, theoretical generalization; empirical: conversation, observation methods were used to observe the educational process in higher education institutions; systematization and generalization of pedagogical experience were also used in the study. Results and discussion. The study of educational programs in both subject specializations of T. H. Shevchenko National University "Chernihiv Colehium" showed that among the professional competences of the educational program 014.05 "Secondary education (Biology and human health)", the term "health" occurred a few times. In addition, only two of the twenty professional competencies were health–related and four other professional competencies were mentioned alongside biology and chemistry. There is no health preserving disciplines on the General Cycle – Normative Courses list. In the Professional Training Cycle of Curriculum, the Normative Courses list also includes "Hygiene and the Basics of Health" (3 credits) and "Age Physiology, Valeology and the Basics of Medical Knowledge" (also 3 credits). Instead, in the education program of "Secondary Education (Human Health)" there is a vast majority of competencies and many health–forming disciplines more focused on health, healthy lifestyles and medicine. In addition to the courses "Hygiene and the Basics of Health" and "The Basics of Medical Knowledge" there are: "The Basics of a Healthy Lifestyle and Culture of Health", "Psychovaleology", "Pediatrics and Physical Therapy", "Biology with the Basics of Phytology", "Modern Educational and Health–saving Technologies with the Elements of Training" and the main discipline is "Human Health, its Diagnostics and Teaching Methodology", which lays the basis for training a teacher of Human Health. The enumerated disciplines point at the high volume of material necessary for future teachers of "The Basics of Health", and also emphasizes a closer connection of subject specialization "Human Health" with medical rather than biological issues. The dramatic reduction in the enrollment of students in the subject specialization "Human Health" creates a real threat to the health and life of children. After all, it is the teacher of "The Basics of Health", having at the same time additional specialization of the teacher of physical training or the psychologist, should help the child to solve a problem if something is not well in the family. As a psychologist, he/she timely diagnoses a child’s inadequate condition, preventing possible suicidal consequences. As a teacher of physical training, he/she not only clearly understands all the components of a healthy lifestyle, but can also engage a child in sports activities, such as cross–fit, thereby distracting him/her and keep them interested. Conclusion. Therefore, it is of utmost important to renew the free places in universities for training teachers in specialization "Secondary Education (Human Health)" at the Physical Education Faculty, because the life and health of Ukrainian children depend on these specialists.

Keywords: higher education institutions, specialization "Secondary Education (Human Health)", Physical Education Faculty, training of specialists, subject "The Basics of Human Health"

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