ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 60 of 61
УЖМБС 2019, 4(5): 390–394
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

System of Distance Training of Physical Training Instructors

Korchagin M. V. 1, Olkhovoy O. M. 2, Barkatov I. V. 1, Gunchenko V. A. 1, Tseplyaev Yu. V. 1

One of the tasks of professionally applied physical training of future officers is to develop their skills to organize and carry out the forms of physical training with subordinated personnel. This task is solved by obtaining the theoretical knowledge and methodological skills in a higher military education institution. Like a variant of this process a distance learning system may be proposed. Distance learning is an open educational system that involves active communication between the teacher and the student with the means of modern information and computer technologies. The problem of formation and development of distance learning has become important for the educational process in our country; however, this task has not received sufficient attention in the system of training the physical training instructors in the security and defense sector. The purpose of the study was to determine the possibilities of performing the interactive system of distance learning in the education process of future instructors of physical training. Material and methods. A theoretical analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific-methodological sources data and managing documents on certain problems were applied to achieve the research objective. Results and discussion. The Moodle platform was used as a system of distance education in Military Institute of Armed Forces of National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". Its advantage is the ability to adjust the system's capabilities due to the peculiarities of the educational process in university. Moodle system does not only assimilate theoretical knowledge in the subject, but also provides the teacher with the ability to create a variety of test tasks to control the understanding of the material. There is the following technical support for training at University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute": Ukrainian telecommunication network; a university LAN that integrates fiber optic links with all academic buildings, the Institute's library site, which provides access to internal LAN resources for all cadets. There is an educational portal on the local network, which contains educational and methodical materials of practically all courses taught at the university. A special role is played by the learning management system (virtual learning environment), i.e. software designed to organize the learning process, and include the environments of the developer, teacher and cadet. This model of using remote technologies allows to indirectly control the personal training of cadets wiyj the means of telecommunications and the Internet, and lays out opportunities for the implementation of the pedagogical principle of lifelong education. The university distance learning system, as an integral part of the general system of education, consists of methodological, organizational, personnel, software, technical equipment, which are connected with the basic system of training. Conclusion. According to the authors, distance learning is a process organized on the basis of information and computer technologies, based on the distance course performance, which has all the features of a regular (full-time) education process. The conducted analysis of the distance learning system of Military Institute of Armed Forces of National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" shows the possibility of applying this system to create a modern technology of distance learning of physical training instructors and to create a single educational information space for representatives of Ukrainian security and defense sector.

Keywords: distance learning, professionally applied physical training, physical training instructors

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