ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 18 of 61
УЖМБС 2019, 4(5): 122–128
Clinical Medicine

Professional Diseases in Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises of Zaporizhzhya from 2009 to 2018

Dotsenko S. 1, Afanasyev A. 1, Daniuk I. 1, Tyagla V. 1, Borodavko L. 2

According to the prevalence of occupational diseases among workers of the mining and metallurgical industry in Zaporizhzhya over the past ten years, the occupational diseases tended to be uneven in different years, both in various production enterprises and in nosological forms of the disease. Material and methods. The most cases of occupational diseases were registered at enterprises in the period from 2011 to 2014 – 297 patients, the least cases – from 2015 to 2018 – 174. Among industrial enterprises, the most cases of occupational diseases were detected at Zaporizhzhya Aluminum Plant, Zaporizhzhya Iron Ore Plant, Zaporizhstal, Dneprospetsstal and Ferroalloy Plant. The most cases of occupational diseases were observed at Zaporizhzhya Aluminum Combine, where 184 new cases of occupational diseases were identified in the period from 2009 to 2013. Results and discussion. The second place of the occupational diseases structure was in Zaporizhzhya Iron Ore Plant. The third place was taken by the enterprises of the ferrous metallurgy – Zaporizhstal, Dniprospetsstal, Ferroalloy Plant. The diseases arising from the influence of high concentrations of industrial dust were on the first place in the structure of the occupational diseases. There were 330 cases of COPD (dust bronchitis) and pneumoconiosis, which accounted for 56.9 % of the total cases of patients with occupational diseases. The enterprises with highest level of dusk-induced diseases are: Zaporizhzhya Aluminum Plant, Zaporizhzhya Iron Ore Plant, Zaporizhstal, Dniprospetsstal and Ferroalloy Plant. At the indicated enterprises, the content of industrial dust, in certain areas of production, exceeded the maximum permissible concentrations by 30-40 %. The second place in the structure of occupational diseases was taken by vibration disease – 90 cases (15.3 %). The most cases of the vibration disease were registered at Zaporizhzhya Iron Ore Company. According to the analysis of individual industries, non-ferrous metallurgy took the first place in the occupational diseases structure. 212 cases of occupational diseases were registered (36.5 % of all occupational diseases) at Zaporizhzhya Aluminum Plant and Titanium and Magnesium Plant enterprises. The enterprises of the ferrous metallurgy are in the third place in terms of the occupational diseases structure: 189 cases of occupational diseases were recorded at the Zaporizhstal and Dneprospetsstal plants (32.5 % of all affected by occupational diseases). Conclusions. Thus, the analysis of the occupational diseases in the period from 2009 to 2018 at 11 industrial enterprises of the mining and metallurgical industry of Zaporizhzhya showed the high level of occupational diseases, which amounted to 83,8 % of the incidence of all occupational diseases in the Zaporizhzhya region.

Keywords: occupational diseases, the spread of occupational diseases, the mining and metallurgical industry

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