ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 10 of 13
УЖМБС 2019, 4(3): 64–70
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Structure of the Nosology Oriented Training Program Powerlifters with Visual Impairment at the Initial Stage of Training

Roztorhui M., Perederiy A., Bryskin Yu.

The analysis of scientific and methodological literature allows us to conclude about the fragmentary nature of available scientific research concerning the system of training of athletes with visual impairments in powerlifting. The training of powerlifters with visual impairments is predominantly characterized by mechanical transferring of the general theory provisions of the training healthy athletes to practice sports. There is a need to adapt training programs for powerlifters with visual impairment at different stages of long-term multiannual preparation in accordance with the nosological characteristics of athletes. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the structure of the nosologically oriented program of training powerlifters with visual impairment at the stage of initial training. Material and methods. The following methods were used in this research: bibliographic study of theoretical-conceptual, methodological and practical outlines presented in specialized scientific-methodical literature; study of documentary materials; method of inquiry, method of mathematical statistics. Results and discussion. The main tasks of training powerlifters with visual impairments at the stage of initial training are diverse physical training, health promotion, improvement of physical development and physical preparedness, elimination of existing deviations in the state of health, promotion of the formation of adaptive mechanisms in the body of athletes with disabilities; creation of prerequisites for increasing the effectiveness of the next stages of training and creating a sustainable motivation for systematic training; the expansion of the motor skills arsenal; selection of promising athletes for specialization in powerlifting. Theoretical and practical parts were included in the structure of the program for powerlifters with visual impairments at the initial training stage. The theoretical part is aimed at solving problems of theoretical and psychological training. The practical part envisaged the implementation of the tasks of physical, technical training, training and improvement of the ability to self-travel and self-service in the gym, control, competitive and restoration activities. Conclusions. As a result of the study, the structure of the nosology oriented program of training for powerlifters with visual impairments at the stage of initial training was substantiated. It takes into account the level of saved motor abilities and the specificity of the motor activity of athletes with disabilities.

Keywords: adaptive sport, visual impairment, training, powerlifting

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