ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 33 of 44
УЖМБС 2019, 4(2): 220–225

Evaluation of Postoperative Wound Healing Efficacy in Complex Therapy of Acute Purulent Odontogenic Periostitis of Jaws

Steblianko A. A., Grigorov S. N.

Acute purulent odontogenic periostitis of jaws is one of the common pathologies among pyoinflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial field. It is often complicated with such purulent diseases as abscesses and phlegmon of face and neck, odontogenic osteomyelitis, siagonantritis, mediastinitis, sepsis and others. Despite the progress achieved for medication of inflammatory processes in the MF, the search for new methods of surgical, therapeutic, physical effects on the wound continues to be relevant. The main medications when treating pyoinflammatory processes of the maxillofacial field are synthesized antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents, most of which have a number of side effects. Currently, phytopreparations have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, vulnerary, immunomodulatory, antioxidant and other properties. The use of low-intensity laser radiation during the sanitation of the wound surface in the postoperative period is currently due to the fact that low-intensity laser radiation contributes to the resolution of infection by the effect on the main components of the inflammatory response: exudation, alteration, proliferation, as well as the absence of significant side effects. It can be simultaneously applied with other medications and has a positive effect on the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of medicinal agents. The purpose of the study is to study the dynamics of postoperative epithelization of the wound in the treatment of patients with odontogenic periostitis of jaws using complex medication on the plant basis “Phytodent” and low-intensity laser radiation. Material and methods. We carried out the comparative description for the course of postoperative wound processes when using the traditional approach in the complex approach, the treatment method with the local application of the plant-based combination preparation "Phytodent" (A/S “Effekt”, Ukraine) and cure with the application of phytolaserophoresis (combined practice of the plant-based combination preparation "Phytodent" and low-intensity laser radiation (ChMPP "Photonica Plus", Ukraine). We supervised 93 patients aged 18-65 years (43 (46.2%) men and 50 (53.8%) women) with a diagnosis of odontogenic periostitis of jaws. They were examined and treated at the in-patient clinic of surgical dentistry and the maxillofacial surgery. Results and discussion. Surgical interventions were carried out in an urgent manner and according to the protocols for providing medical care among patients with odontogenic periostitis of jaws. All patients were divided into 3 groups. Based on the performed planimetric studies using the ImageJ program (Image Processing and Data Analysis in Java), it was found out that the area of the postoperative wound in patients of group I on the second day of treatment decreased by 14.8% compared with the initial area of wound; in patients of group II a decrease in the wound area by 19.3% was observed; and in patients of the third group it decreased by 30.2%. The same trend was in the dynamics of postoperative wound healing on the fourth day in patients of group I, the area of the wound differed from the initial one in the direction of decrease by 42.2%; in group II - by 58.7%, and in patients of group III - by 64.8 %. The rate of wound healing in group I was +14.1%, in group II it was +19.6%, and in group III it was +21.7%. Conclusions. Thus, the analysis of the planimetric data showed that the dynamics of the reduction in the area of postoperative wounds of patients with odontogenic periostitis of jaws was positive in all groups. The rate of wound contraction had a greater numerical value among all patients. An objective indicator for assessing the course of a wound was the rate of its contraction, which had a higher numerical value in patients of group III as compared with indicators of patients of groups I and II. The obtained data confirm the effectiveness of the combined use of the plant-based combination medication and low-intensity laser radiation in the treatment of patients with odontogenic periostitis of jaws.

Keywords: acute purulent periostitis of jaw, planimetric studies, phytolaserophoresis

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