ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 9 of 47
УЖМБС 2019, 4(1): 66–71
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Immunohistochemical Features of the Structure of the Fetus Uterus in Various Periods of Gestation from the Physiological Pregnancy

Kupriyanova L. S. 1, Sushko M. A. 2, Rapchuk Yu. A. 2, Kazmiruk E. V. 2, Bilyk D. S. 2, Kirichenko A. V. 2, Gerasimchuk V. Yu. 2

A comprehensive immunohistochemical study allowed us to establish the main stages of the establishment and formation of the functional activity of the uterus of fetuses from mothers with physiological pregnancy. Material and methods. In accordance with the main stages of the formation of the uterus in the fetus, the whole material is divided into three groups: 21-28 weeks, 29-36 weeks, and 37-42 weeks of intrauterine development. All fetuses died intranatally and antenatally (fetuses without signs of maceration). The cause of death of the fetus was an acute disorder of blood circulation in the placenta, as well as pathology of the umbilical cord. We used organometric, histological, immunohistochemical, morphometric, and statistical methods in our research. Results and discussion. Histologically, it has been established that the wall of the uterus in all fetuses is endometrium, myometrium and perimetry. In our research the myometrium one dominated. We also described the peculiarities of collagen maturation in the structure of the connective tissue of the uterine wall layers, as well as in the vascular component. The composition of the connective tissue of the main components of the uterus wall of the fetuses was dominated by type 1 collagen. In the vessel wall, type 4 collagen prevailed. The study showed the severity of apoptotic changes in the endometrium. There is a direct relationship between the period of gestation and the severity of apoptosis in the endometrium. We described the following specific features of endothelin: producing activity of the vascular component of the uterine wall, and the level of hormonal activity of the fetal uterus. We observed more pronounced expression of endothelin in the venous type vessels than in the arterial type vessels. The hormonal activity of the organ increases with the period of gestation of the fetus. Conclusion. A comprehensive immunohistochemical study revealed that by the time the girl was born, the uterus was structurally and functionally fully formed. The presence of extragenital pathology can contribute to the violation of the organ position and be one of the links of pathogenesis in the formation of infertility. The above features of the uterine wall structure can be used in the study of the organ structure in fetuses from mothers with complicated pregnancy.

Keywords: fetus, uterus, physiological pregnancy, endothelin, collagen, estrogen, progesterone

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