ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
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УЖМБС 2019, 4(1): 29–34
Medicine. Reviews

Mechanisms of Developing Complications in Removable Prosthetics

Leibyuk L. V.

Any type of denture, but primarily removable, is an alien object and represents a complex of inappropriate stimuli for the oral cavity. During orthopedic treatment, the prosthesis is an irritating factor in the oral cavity, adaptation of which may have a long period and cause a steady negative attitude to it. One of the most common complications in orthopedic dentistry is prosthetic stomatitis of allergic origin. In this case, contact allergic reactions are aggravated by various factors of endogenous and exogenous origin, including individual high sensitivity to plastics. Material and methods. To research the problem of complications in removable prosthetics we studied and analyzed 39 professional literary sources, 22 of them were domestic and 17 foreign. Results and discussion. The study showed that the imposition of removable dentures led to a sharp increase in microbial contamination of the oral cavity and the appearance of pathogenic strains. Favorable conditions for the penetration of microorganisms into the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is to increase its permeability due to the temperature increase in the area of the prosthetic bed and the violation of heat transfer processes, as well as through mechanically damaged mucus as a result of roughness and nonhomogeneity of the plastic. One of the important barriers to getting used to dentures is the lack of functional activity of the salivary glands. 2 mechanisms of violation of adaptation to removable dentures are considered in case of dryness of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity: violation of the homeostasis of the oral cavity and decreased ceratization of the prosthetic mucosa. In case of dry mucous membranes of the oral cavity it is practically impossible to find a dental prosthesis in the oral cavity without experiencing discomfort. Conclusion. Despite the achievements of modern dentistry (the development of new technologies, the emergence of new generations of materials), the multifactorial influence of structural material on the organs and tissues of the oral cavity and the patient's body is still not taken into account. Because of the reduced ability of tissues of the prosthetic bed to load, more than 50% of patients do not use removable dentures. Therefore, the development of treatment prophylactic schemes for the elimination of complications with permanent prosthetics is an urgent task of modern dentistry.

Keywords: orthopedic dentistry, removable prosthetics, complications

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