ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 28 of 47
УЖМБС 2019, 4(1): 195–200

Comparative Assessment of Inflammatory Zones at the Stages of Using the Complete Removable Prostheses

Movchan O. V.

Traditional removable plate dentures will only meet all the requirements if they are made taking into account all the anatomical and physiological features of the patient's oral cavity. Usually making the perfect demolition prosthesis is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, because a number of physiological and pathological processes that arise in the loss of teeth lead to numerous changes in the tissues of the oral cavity and their relief. Therefore, there was a need to use adhesive materials to enhance the fixation of complete removable dentures from the first days of denture overlay, which would solve the problem of sufficient fixation of the prosthesis and the ratio of the basis with the tissues of the prosthetic bed in the process of adaptation and long-term use. By studying qualitative characteristics (on the basis of the Central Laboratory of the domestic manufacturer of stomatological materials JSC "Stoma" and the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry of the KhNMU), a new adhesive material "Stomafix 1" was developed and introduced into the production of JSC "Stoma" (adhesive material on the basis of dimethyl-karbetsiloxemethyl - AMDK) to stabilize complete removable plate prostheses. The proposed adhesive composition, created on the basis of domestic ingredients, is designed to improve the quality of fixation, improve the stabilization of complete removable plastic dentures in the oral cavity and accelerate the adaptation to removable prostheses is bioavailable, helps prevent allergic reactions and reduces the process of atrophy in the bone tissue of the alveolar process. The purpose of the study was to increase the functional efficiency of complete removable plate prostheses by reducing the area of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the prosthetic beds of patients with the application of adhesive material. Material and methods. We studied the change in the areas of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the prosthetic lobes of patients in both groups (in the 1st one it was with the use of stabilizing material AMDK, in the 2nd we used the adhesive material "Korega" (adhesive material on the basis of carboxypeptidase AMKP) at the time of manufacturing the complete removable plate prostheses with acrylic bases, after using them on the 2nd day, after 7 days, 14 and 21 days of using dentures. For the visualization of the inflammation zones due to the increased mechanical load on the mucous membrane of the prosthetic beds, as well as the dynamics of changes in the inflammation zones, we used the method of Lisnoy N. I. Results and discussion. The criteria for evaluation were the following parameters: no ignition, the area of the inflammation zone did not exceed 1 cm2, the area of the inflammation zone was more than 1 cm2. The following data were obtained: the total area of inflammation zones of the mucous membranes, the average area of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the prosthetic beds (cm2) and the mean error of the average area of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the prosthetic beds (cm2) at each of the observation stages in both groups. Estimation of the mucous membranes inflammation areas of the prosthetic plate in patients of the first clinical group showed that on the average on the second day after using stabilizing material, there is a significant (t=3.6; p<0.050) reduction of inflammation areas compared with using prosthesis without application of stabilizing material: from (1.10±0.13) cm2 to (0.52±0.09)cm2. 7 days after the completion of orthopedic treatment, the average area of inflammation zones decreased (t=3.6, p<0.050) and amounted to (0.19±0.04) cm2. After 14 days, this figure was (0.16±0.05) cm2. After 21 days, the average area of the inflammation zones was slightly (>0.05) increased and amounted to (0.25±0.05) cm2. The results indicate the potential increase in the bacterial contamination of the structures and require the use of measures to decontaminate the prosthetics. Conclusion. When orthopedic treatment of patients it is necessary to take into account the possibility of increasing the functional efficiency of complete removable plate prostheses by reducing the areas of inflammation of the mucous membrane of prosthetic lobes of patients with the use of stabilizing material. Correction of acrylic bases of complete removable plate dentures reduces the area of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the prosthetic lids from the initial within (24.4÷1.2) %, depending on the materials used and the period of using dentures. When using AMDK stabilizing agent for stabilization, it is possible to achieve a significant (p<0.050) reduction in the area of inflammation of mucous membranes of prosthetic beds in the first week of use of prosthetics than with the use of stabilizing AMKP material. During the 21 days of clinical use of dentures, an increase in the area of inflammation zones of mucous membranes of prosthetic lids was observed which requires the use of decontamination measures.

Keywords: inflammation zone, mucous membrane, adhesive material, complete removable plastic prostheses, fixation, stabilization, edentulous jaws

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