ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 47 of 50
УЖМБС 2018, 3(7): 283–288
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Results of the Functional State Assessment in Athletes engaged in Hand-to-Hand Combat with Semi Contact according to the Parameters of Heart Rate Variability and Static and Dynamic Stability

Shtefiuk I. K., Radchenko Yu. A., Ermakova A. O., Dovgan O. V., Abramov K. V., Briliov A. O., Tkachenko M. P.

The purpose of the work was to assess the functional state of the athletes engaged in hand-to-hand combat with semi contact in the dynamics of the training process. Material and methods. We had 22 male athletes engaged in hand-to-hand combat (first group) and 20 starters (second group) under our supervision. We used methods for assessing the static and dynamic stability and variability of the heart rate. To study the HRV state of the athletes, we used the device «MDFR stabilibraph-1» (the developer of LLC “ASTER AITI”, Kharkiv). Results and discussion. The static and dynamic stability (SDS) study was conducted before and after exercise which lasted 90 minutes. To determine the state of the vestibular system we asked the athletes to stand in the upright position for 2 minutes on a stabilographic platform with open eyes. In this case, the registration was made in the automatic mode of moving of pressure center of his feet on the platform area. In the statistical processing of the results of the study, median (Me) and quartile (25%, 75%) of the SDS and HRV indices were calculated, due to their significant spread. Nonparametric criteria (Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon) were used to assess the validity of the differences between the indicators. The study of the structure of relationships between the indices was carried out using factor analysis (the method of main components). STATISTICA 6.0 application package was used to calculate these indicators and criteria. Conclusions. Comparison of the values of static and dynamic stability and heart rate variability indices, as well as the structure of the links between them, showed that there were significant differences in the initial condition of the athletes in the studied groups. Athletes of the first group revealed conditions of overtraining and hyperadaptation, which were amplified as a result of training load. This is confirmed by the growth of sympathetic influences and the centralization of regulation, as well as the deterioration of the state of static and dynamical stability. The training load did not cause a significant deterioration in the functional state of the athletes in the second group, which is confirmed by the preservation of the initial values of the investigated indices and the structure of the links between them.

Keywords: hand-to-hand combat, heart rate variability, static and dynamic stability, factor analysis

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