ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 42 of 45
УЖМБС 2018, 3(4): 226–230
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Possibilities of Using Functional Products in the Process of Sport Training

Vdovenko N. 1, Gusarova A. 1, Sienogonova G. 2, Sharafytdinova S. 3

The necessary condition of maintaining a high level of athletic performance is the admission of nutrients in appropriate quantities for their assimilation of ratios. An athlete’s need for energy and nutrients depends on the intensity of metabolic processes occurring in the body during exercise. Taking into account the practical significance of specialized food products for athletes, the search for and implementation of new and convenient forms of sports continues to be of relevance to contemporary sports of higher achievements for the effective body organs replenishment both during physical activity and in everyday life. The purpose of research is to determine the effect of course use of the new "Effect" brine bar on body composition and athletes’ performance. Material and methods. We studied extra-curricular and non-compete factors in the system of annual training of qualified athletes. The research was attended by athletes who specialize in rowing, qualification CMS and MS (20-25 years). According to data from the calendar dispensary surveys, all the subjects were practically healthy. The research was conducted at the special preparatory stage of the preparatory period of the annual training cycle. To research the effectiveness of using course bran bar "Effect" on physical working capacity and the course of restorative processes in the body, athletes were divided into two groups: the main and control one. Athletes of the main group took bars for 14 days according to the following scheme: they ate the bran bar "Effect" (35 g) an hour before the training, but not more than 70 g per day. Results and discussion. Anthropometric, pedagogical and physiological research methods were used to study the effect of the bran bar "Effect" course. The assessment of athletes’ general performance was carried out using test of physical activity on a rowing ergometer Concept II, which included passing distance 6000 meters with the registration of maximum and average load power and time passing distance. As a result of the research which was aimed at determining the impact of the bran bar “Effect” course on the anthropometric indicators, it was established that the course consumption of the special product for sportsmen favorably influenced the athlete's body composition. It was found out that the course application of the functional purpose brine bar "Effect" contributes to the correction of body weight, manifested by the probable decrease in the percentage of fat in the body of athletes by 14.1 %. Course admission of this product positively affects the indicators of physical performance of athletes, which manifests itself in the probable increase in the maximum capacity of the work performed on Concept II. At the same time, the physical activity of the athletes improved, which was manifested in the best restoration of the heart rate for 1 min after physical exercise in the main group by 24,3 %. Conclusions. The results of the conducted research indicated that the course using of the brine bar "Effect" may be recommended for using by qualified athletes in order to correct the daily ration, body weight, increase the multiplicity of nutrition in conditions of physical and psychological and emotional stress in the body of athletes, to improve the effectiveness of the training and competitive activities.

Keywords: athletes, sport nutrition, special nutrition products, workability

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