ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 42 of 45
УЖМБС 2018, 3(3): 235–242

Adaptation of the Podil’s’ky Region Students Aged 17-21 to Physical Work in the Aerobic and Anaerobic Modes of Power Supply

Furman Y. M., Zuhrava M. O., Brezdeniuk O. Y., Sulyma A. S., Nesterova S. Y.

The adaptive capacities of people are determined by the level of aerobic and anaerobic productivity. The purpose of our research was to assess ability of Podil’s’ky region students aged 17-21 to physical work of aerobic and anaerobic modes of power supply. Matherial and Methods. 663 females and 672 males who are studying at Vinnytsia institutions of higher education and living in the Podil’s’ky region took part in the study. Aerobic and anaerobic productivity of students’ organisms were determined using the method of veloergometry by studying maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max), threshold of anaerobic metabolism (TAM), power of anaerobic alactate (WАnТ10), power of anaerobic lactate (WAnT30) and capacity of anaerobic lactate (MQMK) processes of power supply. Results and discussion. The article describes the comparative analysis of these indicators of males and females. A comparative analysis of aerobic productivity showed the significant difference between absolute and relative indexes of maximum oxygen consumption and threshold of anaerobic metabolism, depending on sex. The average values of absolute and relative indexes of VO2max were higher in male students. Despite this, the level of aerobic productivity in females was "excellent", and in females it was "midling" by the criteria of Pjarnata. Conducted studies showed that the average value of the relative index of VO2max in females exceeded the "safe level of health", and in males it was on the border of the "safe level of health" by Apanasenko. The absolute and relative indexes of TAM in males were higher than in females. The research of the anaerobic productivity indexes allowed to establish the significant difference between the absolute and relative indexes of power of anaerobic alactate, lactate and capacity of anaerobic lactate processes of power supply in males and females who are living in the Podil’s’k region. The criteria for the evaluating anaerobic processes of power supply in males and females are absent. A comparative evaluation of anaerobic productivity of organism of youth was made. The adaptive capabilities of males and females of the Podіl’s’ky region to the physical work of aerobic and anaerobic direction in conditions of different meteorological situations were also studied. It was established that there were differences in adaptation to the work in aerobic and anaerobic modes of power supply depending on sex. These indexes of adaptation turned out to be better in females than in males. Conclusions. The study showed that the values of aerobic and anaerobic productivity in female and male students aged 17-21 of the Podil’s’ky region were statistically different.

Keywords: aerobic productivity, anaerobic productivity, students, meteorological situation

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