ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 47 of 48
УЖМБС 2018, 3(2): 278–283
Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Parameters of Biochemical Control as a Criteria of Adaptive Changes in the Organism of Athletes with Various Fitness Levels Engaged in the Conditions of Power Fitness

Titova A. V., Chornіy O. G., Dolgov A. A., Gladуr T. A., Slatvinskіy A. N., Yarovenchuk V. S., Buchii I. M.

One of the key guiding hormones of the human body is cortisol, which is the main representative of the glucocorticoids group secreted by the cortical zone of the adrenal glands. Cortisol is an important stimulator of metabolism, acting as a direct regulator of protein catabolism, promotes the rapid release of amino acids. The purpose of the study was to establish patterns of changes in cortisol levels in the blood of young men aged 20-21 with different levels of training in the process of long-term exercises in power fitness. Materials and Methods. In the course of experimental studies, it was established that blood levels of cortisol fixed in young men at rest before the beginning of physical training for 90 days showed an uneven tendency to decrease in all experimental groups, regardless of the initial level of physical fitness of participants. Results and Discussion. The average reduction in cortisol in the blood ranges from 0.8 to 32.7% compared with the original. In turn, the results fixed immediately after the training session, demonstrated a multidirectional dynamics of the studied indicator at all stages of the experiment, even among beginners. Thus, the content of cortisol in the blood of the first and second groups representatives showed a tendency to decrease by 14.8% (p <0.05), while in the third and fourth groups, with the same training programs, this indicator was increased by 29.9% (p <0.05). During the first month of training sessions we observed multidirectional dynamics of cortisol in the blood of participants in all study groups. Thus, representatives of the third and fourth groups, who used similar training programs during the training process, fixed the growth of the studied indicator by an average of 10.9% (p <0.05). The first and second groups representatives, on the contrary, showed a tendency to a significant decrease (from 5.2 to 7.2%) in the level of cortisol in blood. Conclusions. It was established that using various physical load regimes by participants of experimental studies in the course of training sessions had a multifaceted impact on the dynamics of cortisol in blood, regardless of the level of fitness. At the same time the yield of the level of this hormone beyond the physiological norm was not observed. Prospects for further research. The lack of data in the scientific and methodological literature on the content and nature of changes in the quantitative indices of cortisol in young men with different levels of physical training does not allow to clearly control the training process for hormones, thus keeping the endocrine system destabilized. Accordingly, the prospect of establishing regularities and revealing the interrelations between the level of the hormone cortisol and the volume of training loads provide opportunities for scientifically based planning of the training process in power fitness.

Keywords: cortisol, long training process, physical activity, power fitness

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