ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 46 of 48
УЖМБС 2018, 3(2): 271–277
Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Effectiveness of Pilates as a Means of Physical Rehabilitation with Degenerative-Distrophic Changes of Elements of the Lumbar Spine-moving segment

Koziy T. P. 1, Vakulenko M. S. 2

The problem of recreation of the functional state of the spine in patients with osteochondrosis is relevant due to the prevalence and rigidity of this pathology. Western clinics include physical exercises of pilates into the recovery complex for the pathogenetic therapy. Today it is the standard osteochondrosis treatment. The purpose of the study was to develop complexes of special pilates exercises and to determine the effectiveness of their application in women with lumbar spine osteochondrosis. Materials and methods. The studies were conducted during 4 months of training by the рilates system. 10 women aged 27-33 with lumbar spine osteochondrosis took part in these trainings. Evaluation of the pilates effectiveness was defined with the help of special motor tests. The intensity of the vertebrogenic pain syndrome was determined from the visual and verbal scales of the subjective perception of pain by serial raising and lowering the legs from the supine position. The mobility of the spine was assessed by indicators of the depth of inclination forward and sideways from the standing position. Stability and balance were determined with the help of the Romberg coordination sample from the standing position with support on both legs in the "heel-toe" position, the arms are extended forward, the fingers are dilated, and the eyes are closed. Functional muscular asymmetry was determined by the skill of stabilizing the spine with isometric tension of the trunk muscles in the supine position. Results and discussion. The pain syndrome regression in women during 4 months of the pilates system training indicates a decrease in the indices of a subjective pain sensation in the lower back from moderate to weak. Significant changes in indices of active spine flexibility forward by 4.8 cm, to the right by 2 cm, and to the left by 1.7 cm indicate an increase in the spine mobility. The time increase in vestibular stability preservation and posture equilibrium up to 45-60 seconds indicates an improvement in the postural body control in space. The habit of stabilizing the spine improved, as evidenced by the positive dynamics of cuff pressure retention during the trunk muscles isometric tension and indicates an improvement in the functional interaction between the muscles of the rear and abdomen. Conclusions. Applying рilates exercises with lumbar osteochondrosis positively influences all the links of the pathological processes; namely, it reduces pain sensations, improves the spine mobility, improves the ability to maintain the stability of the posture and body balance, increases the strength and endurance of the trunk muscles and improves their functional interaction.

Keywords: physical exercises, pilates, lumbar spine osteochondrosis, functional state, spine

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