ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 43 of 48
УЖМБС 2018, 3(2): 250–256

Transformation of the Environment and the Reproductive Human Health

Nechay O. S. 1, Hnativ P. S. 2, Khоbоtnа I. M. 1

The study presents analytical estimation of the current ecological situation in Ukraine, in general, and of Lviv region, in particular. We took into account the intensity of technogenic pressure on the environment in the regions. Due to the environment pollution, the Sokal district is significantly worse than Turka district. In the territory of Sokal district and Chervonohrad, atmospheric air is polluted with dust and other suspended particles, carbon monoxide, nitrogen and sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide compounds, fluorine hydrogen, acrelein, benz(a)pyrene, formaldehyde, ammonia, phenols. The drinking water in Sokal district contains excess iron, particles of mercury, lead, nitrates, phenols, fluorine, mercury, manganese, cobalt, and cadmium. The soils of this region are contaminated with salts of heavy metals, fluorine and are characterized by increased activity of strontium-90, cesium-137, and plutonium-239. The purpose of the study was to analyze the demographic processes and dynamics of general health of the local population. The deterioration of the demographic situation was most noticeable in the Sokal district, where the environment is heavily contaminated and the ecosystem is largely changed. It was proved that the production and economic activity that have caused the current state of the environment in different regions, also significantly affect the indicators of the general and reproductive health of the permanent residents of the relatively clean and contaminated areas. Materials and methods. Taking into account the declining fertility and depopulation, there is a decline in reproductive health of women who have consistently lived in contaminated areas as compared to clean areas. In the structure of the general pathology the first place is given to anemia, the second – urinary tract diseases, the third – thyroid gland diseases, and the fourth – cardiovascular diseases. Such adverse changes are caused by violation of the processes of organism adaptation to adverse conditions of the polluted environment. Results and discussion. The frequency of unauthorized miscarriages is an informative indicator for monitoring the population genetic effects. The frequency of unauthorized miscarriage in the studied regions for 5 years ranged from 3.9 to 10.3 per 100 preferred pregnancies. The average figures for the whole period of the study were 4.6% in the Turka district and 8.6% in the Sokal district. Consequently, the frequency of unauthorized miscarriages in the control population was significantly lower than in the contaminated area (p<0.0001). There was a steady tendency in increasing the frequency of unauthorized miscarriages in Sokal district population from 1997 to 2000. Conclusions. In the structure of stillbirth covering cases of antenatal and intra-natal fetal death, the frequency of antenatal fetal death cases in the Sokal district was higher (3.7%) compared to the environmentally cleaner Turka district (0.9% – p<0.05). Clinical analysis showed that due to late fetal mortality, the placenta and umbilical cord disease pathology was 47.6%. The indicators of early neonatal mortality were higher in the Sokal district (3.8%) than in Turka district (3.1%).

Keywords: transformation, environment, health, mutagenesis, monitoring

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