ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 40 of 48
УЖМБС 2018, 3(2): 232–236

Evaluation of the LED Radiation Influence on the Pathogens of Purulent and Inflammatory Processes Sensitivity to Antimicrobial Drugs

Dubovyk O. S., Mishyna M. M., Korobov A. M. 2

Resistance of microorganisms to antibacterial drugs is one of the most acute problems of modern medicine which, unfortunately, has global character today. As the number of resistant microbial strains is rapidly increasing, the fight against antibiotic-containing microorganisms is going on to find the most optimal and rational methods of treatment. Therefore, the definition of the influence of LED radiation on the sensitivity of microorganisms to antimicrobial drugs is very relevant. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of LED radiation of red and blue spectra on the sensitivity of microorganisms, which are pathogens of purulent and inflammatory processes, to antimicrobial drugs that are widely used in practical medicine. Materials and methods. Materials of purulent pathology patients were taken and delivered to the laboratory in accordance with the requirements for taking and delivering the materials for microbiological laboratories proposed by Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kyiv. Materials for research were the following: wound cloth, manure, dressing and suture material. The microbiological study was carried out using generally accepted methods. The sensitivity of isolates to antimicrobial agents with different mechanism of action on the microbial cell was studied using the microtestsystem TNKtestGr. In vitro radiation was carried out by LED sources of blue (440-480 nm) and red (620-740 nm) radiation of the photon matrix of the Korobov apparatus "Barva-Flex", which contains a LED matrix with super-fluorescent light-emitting diodes and a power supply. Consideration and analysis of the results were carried out with the help of the automatic analyzer "Multisran EX". Exel and Biostat programs were used for statistical processing of the results. Results and discussion. In determining the complex effect of LED radiation and antimicrobial drugs on the bacterial culture of P.mirabilis, it was found out that, due to the influence of the light emitting diode of the blue spectrum, the sensitivity of the isolates to the antimicrobial agents increases: to ampicillin 4.2 times (compared with the action of only ampicillin), to cefepime (novapima) – 5.2 times, cefoperazone – 3.6 times, cefazolin – 3.4 times, cefatoxime – 3 times, ceftazidime – 3.7 times, ceftriaxone – 3.4 times, to gentamicin – 3.8 times, to amikacin – 4.6 times and to ciprofloxacin – 9.3 times to doxycycline – 3,7 times. In the complex action of the red spectrum of LED radiation, the sensitivity of microorganisms to antimicrobial drugs also increased, but not so much: to ampicillin – 1.3 times, to cefepime (napipime) and ceftaxime – 2.6 times, cefoperazone – 2.2 times, to cefazolin and to amikacin – 2 times, to ceftazidime – 1.8 times, to ceftriaxone and to gentamicin – 1.9 times, to ciprofloxacin – 3.5 times, to doxycycline – 1.6 times as compared to using only antimicrobial drugs. A similar pattern was observed in the complex application of antimicrobial drugs and LED radiation to the bacterial culture of E.coli. According to the results of the study, it was found out that E.coli isolates were active in sensitive to cefepime (naufa) and ciprofloxacin, and due to the influence of the red spectrum of the LED radiation, the sensitivity of E.coli to cefepime was increased by 1.3 times, and by the effect of the blue LED spectrum at 4,2 times compared with the action of antibacterial preparation alone and 8.1 times compared with control values. The sensitivity of E.coli to ciprofloxacin was increased by 2.6 times for the influence of the red spectrum of LED radiation, and by the influence of the blue spectrum of the LED radiation – by 3.5 times compared with the action of the antibacterial drug alone and 7 times compared with the control values. When using this method for the determination of antibiotic susceptibility of S.aureus isolates under the influence of red light and antimicrobial agents, it was revealed that the strains isolates showed resistance to gentamicin, erythromycin, rifampicin, lincomycin, cefepime – in cells of microplatelets with both greater and less concentration of antibacterial of drugs was the growth of culture. Due to the influence of the blue and red spectra of the LED radiation, the sensitivity of S.aureus bacterial culture to antimicrobial drugs was intensified. For example, for the influence of the red spectrum of the LED radiation, the sensitivity to ciprofloxacin is increased by 3.2 times, and by the influence of the blue spectrum – by 3.8 times; due to the influence of the red spectrum of light-emitting diode radiation, the sensitivity to cefepime was increased by 1.7 times, and by the influence of the blue spectrum – by 5.1 times. These results let us recommend the complex application of the LED of the blue spectrum together with the antimicrobial drugs. Conclusions. Thus, as a result of this study, we substantiated the possibility of using LED of blue and red spectra in the complex therapy of localized purulent-inflammatory processes, which contributes to increasing the sensitivity of microorganisms to antimicrobial drugs. Further research in this area is the study of the influence of antimicrobial drugs and LED radiation of blue and red spectra on the dynamics of healing of the inflammation center on experimental models.

Keywords: antimicrobial drugs, LED radiation of blue and red spectra, microorganisms, pathogens of purulent and inflammatory processes

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