ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 37 of 48
УЖМБС 2018, 3(2): 217–221
Humanitarian issues of medicine and problem of teaching at the higher school

The Use of Video Materials in the Training Process of the Orthopedic Dentistry Department

Belikov A. B., Levandovskyi R. A., Belikova N. I.

Teaching in a higher educational institution assumes illustrations and demonstrations of schemes and objects, phenomena and processes in a convenient form for their mental and visual perception with the help of modern technical means of teaching. Materials and methods. An analysis of students' perception of two video demonstration techniques was conducted during the lecture: a review was used at the beginning and at the end of the lecture; during the practical classes: sometimes the video is viewed fully and sometimes partially. Modern students are no longer interested in traditional lectures and they prefer more interactive learning tools. In the organizational and introductory part of the lecture, the demonstration of video materials is considered to be an effective way of preparing the audience for the perception of a complex topic, increasing attention to the relevance of the considered issues, that is motivating a deep perception of the topic. Results and discussion. The use of video materials at the end of the lecture influences the systematization and consolidation of the educational material, the sharpening of the listener's attention at its key points. Teachers think the use of video materials during the practical classes allows increasing the level of academic achievement and quality of instruction. The video films demonstration technique in practical lessons is more effective with students of the 3rd course of stomatological faculty, but no more than 20-30 minutes at a time. For better remembering what you see it is recommended to use a "freeze frame". The technique of partial video film demonstration is most effective for students of the 4th year and the final course of the dental faculty. For better understanding of the material we created the fragments video library at the department for demonstrating them during classes. Conclusions. Using video materials while lecturing and conducting practical classes is an effective method of visualization as modern students prefer more interactive learning tools and they are no longer interested in traditional lectures. The use of video materials during practical classes allows to increase the level of success and quality of training.

Keywords: educational process, lectures, practical exercises, video materials, orthopedic dentistry

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