ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 19 of 48
УЖМБС 2018, 3(2): 107–113
Clinical Medicine

Dynamics of Echocardiogram Indicators in Patients with Climacteric Syndrome on Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 after а Complex Therapy

Pavlovska M., Pavlovskyi S.

The combination of climacteric syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) often occurs on the background of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and necessitates the detection of type 2 diabetes in menopause and its adequate treatment. Antihomotoxicological drugs are widely used in treatment and medical rehabilitation of women with these problems. The purpose of the study was to compare the efficacy of complex therapy of climacteric syndrome in patients with DM type 2 and NAFLD by analyzing echocardiographic parameters before and after application of integrated treatment programs using physiotherapeutic and antihomotoxicological agents. Materials and Methods. We conducted a survey of 106 patients aged 45-55 with a climacteric syndrome associated with type 2 diabetes. 20 of these patients revealed ultrasound signs of NAFLD. In order to compare the effectiveness of treatment methods, the patients were divided into 3 groups. Echocardiography was used to analyze the adequacy of complex therapy for patients with climacteric disorders associated with type 2 DM. Results and discussion. After analyzing the patients’ NAFLD after two courses of therapy, it was found that there were no significant differences between the groups, but there was a tendency towards a decrease in the MV and SAP in patients who received additional antihomotoxicological therapy. Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment was also carried out on a set of indicators that includeв a subjective assessment of patients with their condition (improvement, no dynamics, deterioration), and the results of laboratory and functional studies after the second course of treatment. Improvement was manifested in less frequent displays of climacteric syndrome according to International Menopausal Index (IMI), in the positive dynamics of SBP, DBP and MV, indicators of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, positive dynamics Echocardiography. The group of patients who completed the treatment without positive dynamics included those who did not notice improvement in quality of their life, reduction of climacteric syndrome manifestations according to the IMI, in the laboratory and/or functional examination containing no positive dynamics of indicators, as well as patients who did not notice significant subjective improvement of their condition. To negative results can be also included the lack of positive subjective dynamics in patients who reported an increase in symptoms, deterioration of biochemical and instrumental indicators. When evaluating the overall effectiveness of treatment, we found out that using contrasting baths and ultrasound therapy gave 63% of effectiveness, while antihomotoxicological agents’ application brought 78%. Conclusions. Summarizing the results, it can be concluded that for patients with climacteric syndrome associated with type 2 DM and NAFLD, a complex including antihomotoxicological agents was more effective. This conclusion was confirmed by the dynamics of echocardiographic indices and subjective evaluation of the state of health and the results of laboratory and functional research after the second course of treatment. From a clinical point of view, the results allow to recommend selected complexes for the correction of functional cardiovascular disorders in women with climacteric disorders and disorders of carbohydrate metabolism.

Keywords: climacteric syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus antihomotoxicological therapy, complex treatment

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