ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 10 of 49
УЖМБС 2018, 3(1): 50–55
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Morphological Peculiarities of the Structure of the Fetuses Ovarian with a Gestation Period of 21-36 Weeks from the Mothers with Complicated Pregnancies by a Chronic Infection of the Lower Genital Tract

Kupriyanova L. S., Yatsenko D. Yu., Kuras G. O., Petrenko O. V., Abramov K. V.

As a result of a complex study, we found out morphological peculiarities of the structure of the fetuses’ ovaries from the mothers, whose pregnancies were complicated by a chronic infection of the lower genital tract. The studies showed differences in the structure of the fetuses’ ovaries with a gestation period of 21-28 and 29-36 weeks. Along with this, changes in the formation of the main components of fetal gonads are established in accordance with the gestation period manifested mainly by a violation of the collagen-synthesis activity of the fetuses’ ovaries. The obtained results allowed drawing the following conclusions: The mass of the fetuses’ ovaries of mothers with chronic infection of the lower genital tract is likely to be lowered in comparison to that in the control group. Moreover, the minimum indicators were changed for gestational periods of 21-28 weeks, maximum – for gestational periods of 29-36 weeks. The histological method showed the appearance of sizzling, growing and cystic-atretic forms of follicles. Indicators of the number of primary and primordial follicles in the fetuses’ ovaries of mothers with complicated pregnancy for gestational age 21-28 weeks are elevated, for gestational periods of 29-36 weeks were reduced in accordance with those in the control group. Morphometric method was used to decrease the indices of relative volumes of follicular tissue, cortical and cerebral matter, as well as increase of indices of relative volume of interstitial tissue in the ovaries of the main group fetuses. The degree of change expression in these indicators also varied according to the increase in gestational age. In the fetuses’ ovaries of mothers with chronic infection of the lower genital tract, a probable decrease in the number of germ cells is established in accordance with such indices in the control group ovaries. Immunohistochemical method showed changes in the structure of connective tissue in the basement membranes of the follicles and the main components of the organ. The violation of the major collagen synthesis in the structure of connective tissue was shown. This was manifested by an increase in the synthesis of type III collagen and a decrease in the content of collagen I and IV types. The revealed changes in the follicular component allow the fetuses’ ovaries to be included in the gestation period of 21-28 weeks of mothers with chronic infection of the lower genital tract to those with signs of accelerated maturation. Fetal ovaries on the gestation period of 29-36 weeks can be included to those with signs of depletion of functional activity. Massive growth of connective tissue in the fetuses’ ovaries of the main group is due to chronic hypoxia on the basis of placental dysfunction. Changes in the synthesis of the major types of collagen are associated with the maturation process violation in conditions of prolonged antigenic stimulation. Massive death of eggs is related to the action of an infectious agent. Described morphological features of the structure of ovarian fetuses of mothers with chronic infection of the lower genital tract can lead to a violating the formation of fetal gonads in future pregnancy, and girls born of mothers with this pathology may be the cause of violation of the germinal ovarian function and development of primary infertility.

Keywords: fetus, ovary, collagen, infection, germinative function

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