ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 5 of 49
УЖМБС 2018, 3(1): 26–30
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Changes in the Alveolar Sprout in the Chronic Phase of Simulated Diabetes Mellitus (for a period of 2 months)

Hermanchuk S.

To determine the most rational design for orthopedic stomatological treatment of patients with diabetes, it is important to study the clinical features of oral tissues in the development of diabetic periodontal disease. Inflammatory diseases of a periodontal disease of varying severity in almost 100% patients with diabetes are characterized by a marked clinical picture, aggressive course, resistance to traditional methods of treatment and prevention. When rendering dental care to patients with diabetes, it should be taken into account that diseases of the zeb joint can have a specific course due to metabolic disorders and systemic angiopathy. Thus, it is believed that diabetic periodontal disease is the result of angiopathy, the frequency of which at CD reaches 68-91.3%. Vascular concept of chronic periodontitis was formulated in the last century. The vascular-nervous factor (violation of vascularization and innervation of the gum mucosa) forms the basis for the pathogenesis of diabetic periodontal disease. The purpose of the study is to research the pathogenetic dependence of the pathology of the endocrine system with morphological changes in alveolar sprouts and changes in calcium indices of phosphorus metabolism. Materials and methods. The experiment was conducted on white laboratory rats weighing 160-180 g kept on a standard diet under vivarium conditions. Animals of the experimental group, numbering 6 individuals, modeled diabetes. In order to reproduce the diabetes mellitus, intraperitoneally, streptosotocin was administered once in a dose of 60 mg / kg body weight, diluted in 10 MM citrate buffer (pH 4.5). The animals then survived the development of diabetes, monitored blood glucose levels using the OnCallPlus glucometer system from ACON Laboratories, Inc., USA. Rats of the control group (6 animals) were kept under standard conditions. Animals from the experimental and control groups were removed from the experiment 60 days after the start. Materials of the research were the lower jaw obtained during the slaughter of animals of the control and experimental groups. The investigated tissue samples were fixed in neutral formalin (pH 7.4) to store the maximum life-time of 18 hours. After fixation, decalcification was performed at EDTA of 17% pH 7.4. After fixing and decalcification, paraffin sections were made of 3-5 μm Sant Marie thick, deparaffined according to a standard procedure, followed by washing in PBS (pH 7.4). Subsequently, hematoxylin-eosin was stained. In determining the number of osteocytes and osteoclasts, the count was made in five fields of view of one sample and the average value was calculated. Research of blood serum of rats was carried out according to standard methods for determination of calcium, phosphorus, total and bone alkaline phosphatase. Statistical processing was carried out in the program "Statistics 8.0". The reliability of the results was evaluated according to Student's criterion. Results and discussion. We examined experimental samples fragments of gabbro bone with fibrous-fatty tissue in the intertrabucular space. There were moderate-pronounced signs of resorptive changes: the phenomenon of osteoclastic resorption ("gaushyip" gaps) along the periphery of trabeculae; insignificant perioscytic and pericansalculatory resorption. Basophile lines had varying degrees of severity throughout the drug. In the gaps, there were picnotypes of osteocytes. Bone beams are fragmented (maybe due to the preparation of drugs), most of them are elegant, festonic. Located between the beam gaps, the connective tissue has a different degree of vascularization. The areas of fibrous tissue alternate with the foci of adipose tissue. In the fibrous tissue there were small fragments of bone tissue: it may be due to its severe atrophy (osteolysis) or vice versa with the onset of desmal osteogenesis with the formation of coarse fibrous bone tissue. Analyzing the obtained results of morphobiochemical indices of blood serum of rats and changes in bone tissue of alveolar sprout, it was found out that in the chronic stage of simulated diabetes, the quantitative composition of alkaline general and bone phosphatase, calcium and phosphorus changed. A probable increase in total alkaline phosphatase indicated the presence of biochemical changes in bone tissue. There was also a significant increase in phosphorus levels. As it was mentioned before, elevated levels of alkaline phosphatase may be partially associated with changes in hepatocytes during simulated diabetes mellitus, which further binds to an alternative effect on bone tissue. Conclusions. We identified changes indicating resorption of bone tissue, in the study of alveolar sprouts in the chronic stage of simulated diabetes. This can contribute to the depletion of adaptive capacity and progression of periodontal tissue diseases. The foregoing determines the further study of changes in alveolar sprouts in simulated diabetes mellitus.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, periodontal disease, bone

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