ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 44 of 49
УЖМБС 2018, 3(1): 235–240
Medicine. Reviews

Prevention of Dental Caries in Children as a Fundamental Success of General Dental Health of the Population

Oktysiuk Yu. V.

The article demonstrates the results of the modern researches regarding caries prophylaxis in children provided by analyses of the published sources. The most efficient prophylactic measures were introduced based on the review of the scientific publications and are directed towards improvement of dental health of pediatric population by administration of endo- and exogenic prevention. The purpose of the study was the investigation of the references concerning efficiency of endo- and exogenic caries prophylaxis to preserve dental health in children. The caries resistance of the hard dental tissues is influenced by neo-chemical, climate-geographical specific of the region and in particular, by the content of chemical elements in the soil and in the drinking water of the habitants. The high level of technogenic contamination leads to accumulation of lead, strontium, manganese and other micro-elements in dental enamel that can change its caries resistance. We also have to admit that the general somatic diseases as well as inherited abnormalities of enamel formation and the low social-economical background are of vital importance that affect caries occurrence and its intensity. Furthermore, the role of bad oral hygiene has to be emphasized. It is the main local cariogenic factor, qualities of oral liquid, morphological structure of the hard dental tissues, orthodontic pathology and access of the carbohydrates in the diet that lead to development of dental caries. The references were gained from the library sources, information platforms such as Science Direct, PubMed by the key words: dental caries, saliva, prophylaxis. Having analyzed different sources we concluded that caries prevention had an ethiotropic orientation towards cariogenic oral micro flora or pathogenic orientation to enhance resistance of the hard dental tissues. The majority of the modern caries prophylactic means are based on fluorides, vitamin-mineral complexes, immune-correctors provided by the government and regional programs or individual levels. The numerous investigations of caries prevention in children were conducted by administration of vitamin-mineral complex that provides formation of high quality protein dentine and enamel matrix, mineralization of the hard dental tissues and improvement of the organism’s resistance. In conclusion we have to admit the significance and dominance of prophylaxis of dental diseases upon the treatment orientated approach to save children’s dental health. The development of preventive anticaries steps in children remains acute and needs further advancement and progression.

Keywords: children, oral liquid, dental caries, prophylaxis

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