ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 41 of 49
УЖМБС 2018, 3(1): 221–224

Questioning of the Military Personnel of the Chernivtsi Boundary Group Concerning the Level of Rendering the Dental Care

Naumenko K., Belikov A.

The fighting capacity of the military personnel is influenced by a large number of factors among which there is a level of rendering the dental care. There are few researches of level of rendering the dental care to the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Moreover, the problematic is disputable which causes great attention to the conducted research. Materials and methods of the research. For the purpose of determination of level of rendering dental care we carried out the questioning of 113 military men of the Chernivtsi boundary group, 30 people urgent and 83 contract forms of service, 91 men and 22 women aged from 18 up to 45. Results. As a result of questioning some problematic issues of rendering the dental care are established. Its frequency, availability, quality and level were such problematic issues. The quality of rendering the dental care by respondents was estimated differently. So, 31 (27,43%) military men estimated their dental care like "perfect", 25 (22,12%) – "well", 29 (25,66%) – "satisfactory", five (4,42%) military men said it was "unsatisfactory", and 23(20,35%) did not assess it at all. Conclusions. The main reasons for the negative answer of the interviewed 50,43±4,2% included: insufficient equipment of a dental office, incomplete range of dental services and also obsolete dental equipment. We also established that the level of dental care rendering was approximately identical both in the place of residence and at work. While analyzing forms of visiting the dentist, we saw hat 93,80% of the military personnel indicated a form according to the address, and only 6,19% for its scheduled-preventive character. Besides, we gathered information about respondents’ oral cavity hygiene rules, namely: insufficient knowledge of tooth brushing rules and the need of application of additional individual resources of oral cavity hygiene. One factors which worsens oral cavity hygiene and leads to development of parodont tissues diseases is smoking, taped in 52,21% of respondents.

Keywords: military personnel, dental care, level, quality, questioning

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