ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 26 of 49
УЖМБС 2018, 3(1): 139–143
Clinical Medicine

Effect of Smoking on the Functional State of the Respiratory System in Patients with Psoriasis

Kovalova O. S., Fedotov V. P.

The article deals with studying the effect of smoking on the functional state of the respiratory system with spirography, the degree of saturation of arterial blood with oxygen (the level of oxygenation) in patients with psoriasis. Materials and methods: 65 patients with psoriasis aged 25-56 (40 men, and 25 women) were examined. 23 of them did not smoke, and 42 smoked 8 years or more. We studied patients’ spirography and measured oxygenation level the frequency of respiratory movements (BHD). Results and discussion: According to spirography, tobacco smokers had bronchial obstruction, and obstructive airway changes, according to the vital capacity of the lungs and respiratory metabolism, as well as low values of forced expiratory volume in the first second and the Tiffno index in contrast to patients who did not smoke. After physical exertion, the level of oxygenation of blood in patients who smoked was statistically reliably reduced, which indicates a violation of gas exchange in these patients. The established high values of the frequency of respiratory movements after physical exertion in patients with psoriasis of tobacco smokers indicated a violation of pulmonary ventilation. Conclusions: The adverse effect of smoking on psoriasis is established as a result of changes in higher respiration, oxygen saturation of the blood, which requires a certain therapeutic correction.

Keywords: Psoriasis, smoking, breathing, blood, oxygen, lungs, sex, function

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