ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 10 of 41
УЖМБС 2017, 2(5): 50–54
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Influence of Antibacterial Action Medicines on Pulp Mineralization Indicators on the Background of a Cariesogenic Ration in Experimental Animals

Lyubchenko O., Severin L.

The article concerns the investigation of the effect of antibacterial drugs on the state of mineralization of hard tissues and tooth pulp in experimental animals against a background of cariogenic diet. It is determined that the use of antibacterial drugs of different groups affects the mineralization of the tooth pulp in different ways. It is proved that the cariogenic diet leads to the development of cariogenic disease in experimental animals. A decrease in the mineralizing index of tooth pulp in experimental dental caries was detected. It was investigated that the antibacterial drug summed least has a negative effect on tooth decay with caries. Nowadays it is extremely important to analyze systematically existing data on multiple caries of the study of the causes of caries at an early age. Multiple caries at early age is often compounded by an inappropriate way of feeding: artificial and nocturnal feeding and a severe infection caused by the Mutans streptococcus. In the pathogenesis of dental caries, the microbial factors can cause the formation of dental plaque, lactic acid and destructive enzymes, which together result in the development of carious lesions, plays a decisive role. Evaluated the impact of medications usage on dental status and development of new preventive methods to stop caries is an important task for scientific and practical stomatology. In modern treatments for general-somatic illnesses, antibiotic drugs (AD) are most commonly used to avoid the spreading of inflammation and its predisposition. During the chronic diseases treatment, as well as chronic recurrent diseases of other organs and systems at an early age, almost all groups of AD, produced in the form of a suspension, are used. Thus, the study of the AD effect on the oral cavity draws the attention of researchers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the AP effect on the state of tooth’ solid tissues, pulp, bone tissue. Materials and methods of research. During the experiment 36 males of white rats of the Vistar line (in the age of one month) with an average weight of 40±4.5 g were divided into 6 equal groups. The first group of animals was on a standard vivarium diet (SDV), the second – on Stephen`s cariesogenic diet (CGD),which includes high carbohydrate content, the third group of animals that were on cariesogenic diet, got antibacterial drug (AD) cephalosporin 20 mg/kg, the fourth group – CGD and macrolide drug in the dose prescribed by the manufacturer – 25 mg/kg group was on the fifth CGD and drugs along with penicillin-lactamase inhibitor in a dose of 40 mg/kg and sixth group – rats with CGD and lincosamides group AP at a dose of 60 mg/kh. AD was put in drinking water, taking into account the necessary dose and quantity of water consumed. After 1 month, the animals were withdrawn from the experiment under thiopental anesthesia (20 mg/kg) by total bloodletting from the heart, the degree and depth of lesions of caries of the teeth were evaluated, and the activity of acid and alkaline phosphatase and pulp mineralization index. In experimental animal studies, the effect of CGD and its combinations with different AD groups used in the treatment of chronic recurrent diseases was evaluated. AD dosage was selected according to their therapeutic doses proposed by the developers. Conclusions: CGD leads to the cariesogenic disease development in experimental animals. CGD significantly increases degree of carious process in rats, and the AD introduction reduces tooth deficiency by caries, but does not result in the status of 1 group with SDV. AP acceptance of different groups had different effects on the mineralization of pulp tooth of experimental animals against the background of CGD. In the experimental caries of teeth, there was a decrease in the MI of the pulp, which was significantly less expressed only in the group with sumamed, and other AD further deteriorate it. AD Sumamed adversely affects the tooth decay by caries, but worsens the processes of mineralization in the pulp. Current research can serve the basis for further studies on different factors influence on caries disease development and can serve a promising direction for improving existing preventive measures.

Keywords: experiment, tooth filling, rat, antibacterial drugs, caries

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