ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 40 of 42
УЖМБС 2017, 2(4): 216–222
Physical training and Sport. Recreation, physical rehabilitation and adaptive physical training

Cryotherapy Efficiency of Myophascial Pain Syndrome in the Rehabilitation Program of Patients with Scattered Sclerosis

Lysenko Yu. A.1, Mytсkan B. M.2, Vypasnyak I. P.2, Popel S. L.2

The purpose of the article is to determine the effectiveness of local cryotherapy in patients with multiple sclerosis complicated by myofascial syndrome. Clinical examination of 105 patients aged 26-58 years were conducted before the introduction of the rehabilitation program, 10 sessions and after 20 sessions of local cryotherapy. Neurological status and severity of the course of myofascial syndrome were determined by the scales EDSS, FS, VAS, NTSS-9 of Van Korf's questionnaire. A complex program of physical rehabilitation has been developed, which provides a combination of local cryotherapy with acupuncture, kinesitherapy, stretching and muscle relaxation exercises. Evaluation of the rehabilitation measures effectiveness was carried out according to the regression of the pain syndrome degree. Results. The analysis of the literature data convincingly shows that the therapy of pain syndrome in patients with multiple sclerosis complicated by myofascial pain syndrome is an actual and unsolved problem. The author's program of physical rehabilitation of patients, taking into account the rehabilitation prospects, developed on the basis of local cryotherapy application combined with exercises for stretching muscles and acupuncture affects the reduction of pain in 89.5% of patients, 10.5% there is complete cessation of pain. It was found out that the positive effect of local cryotherapy on the reduction of pain according to VAS proves the expediency of its application for the reduction of pain syndrome in the therapy of patients with multiple sclerosis complicated by myofascial pain syndrome. The most pronounced effect concerns components that represent acute neuropathic pain, to a lesser extent – chronic pain. The use of local cryotherapy along with the analgesic effect allowed reducing the social disadaptation of patients and reducing the number of days with the limitation of vital activity through pain. The complex nature of the developed program is determines by the fact that it involves a combination of cryotherapy with acupuncture, kinesitherapy, stretching and muscle relaxation exercises. Psychological influence occurred by improving the psychoemotional state in the process of performing physical exercises and cryotherapy sessions, reducing the feeling of internal stress, anxiety and uncertainty in the future. Social influence was determined through recommendations for lifestyle modification and motivation developing for improving the quality of life and maintaining a healthy lifestyle in patients with multiple sclerosis.

Keywords: multiple sclerosis, myofascial syndrome, pain, physical rehabilitation, cryotherapy

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