ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 31 of 42
УЖМБС 2017, 2(4): 171–174

Monoculture and Microorganisms’ Associations at Chronic Obstructive Disease of Lungs in Professional Etiology

Ivchuk V. V., Levina E. V., Kovalchuk T. A.

The chronic obstructive disease of lungs (COPD) is one of the leading reasons of morbidity and death rates increase of adult population in the whole world. One of the main reasons of intensifying of COPD can be a microbiosis that predetermines approximately 80% cases of all intensifying. Aim. The purpose of the article is to define the exposure frequency of S. aureus stamms in monoculture and microbial associations and to set their sensitiveness to antibacterial preparations at COPD of professional etiology. Materials and methods. The analysis of 363 protocols of microbiological research of sputum of patients on COPD was conducted: from the first – 180, second – 159 and third – by 24 stages of illness with pointing in the diagnosis of basic clinical symptoms. Material for a bacteriologic examination served as spontaneously distinguished sputum. Results. Research’ results testify that yellow-green monoculture to the staphylococcus had most specific gravity for patients with the first (11,7%) and second (14,5%) stages of obstructive disease. Most percent (16,7%) of exposure of S. aureus stamms in combination with the mushrooms of Candida sort met at the third stage of COPD. Also an association of S. aureus was characteristic, coliforms and mushrooms of Candida sort, her specific gravity laid down 12,5% for patients on COPD of the third stage. Analysis of the obtained experimental data, in relation to the sensitiveness of monocultures of S. aureus stamms to antibacterial preparations, showed that they were most resistant to lincosamides. It was distinguished 50,0% of firmness resistant yellow-green to the staphylococcus for patients with the third, 40,0% from the first and 27,8% with the second stage of obstructive illness. Moderate resistant showed up to the glycopeptides. At motion of COPD of the first stage it is distinguished 30,8%, COPD second – 26,3% and COPD third – 25,0% of moderately resistant stamms of microorganisms. In relation to mixed infections, high of resistant of S. aureus showed up to the antibiotics of lincosamides group at COPD with second 66,7% and by the first 57,1% stages. To the antibiotics of quinolones group not considerable resistant is educed for the patients of COPD of the first (10,0%), second (12,7%) and third (11,1%) stage. Conclusions. Monoculture of S. aureus stamms exists at COPD with the first and second stage more often, than at COPD of the third stage. For COPD of the third stage most characteristic are microbial associations of S. aureus stamms. S. aureus stamms of in mono- and mixed infections show high resistant to the antibiotics of lincosamides group and glycopeptides. Less resistance was observed to the antibiotics of quinolones group and aminoglycosides.

Keywords: chronic obstructive disease of lungs, monoculture, microbial association, resistance, antibiotics

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