ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 11 of 41
УЖМБС 2017, 2(3): 61–64
Clinical Medicine

Psychophysiological Condition Examination of Young People with Arterial Hypotention

Isaeva I.N., Karmazina I.S., Marakushin D.I., Hloba N.S.

Psychophysiological factors and features can significantly affect the activity of the body's main systems, especially the cardiovascular system. Thus it is very important to understand the hierarchical vertical of the blood pressure regulation. The purpose of this research is to examine the following indicators: self-assessment of the mental state using Eysenck personality test, the state of integrative functions of brain and basic features of nerve processes with the aim to assess and characterize the completeness of perception, speed and quality of information processing. The aim of this study is to analyze main characteristics of the psychophysiological condition of young people with arterial hypotension. The obtained results enable us to reveal that the subjects with arterial hypotension spent more time performing the tasks of equal complexity and showed a worse efficiency than the persons of the control group, which, in our opinion, is characterized by the predominance of inhibition processes. Low speed rates of central processing of information coincide and reliably associated with low values of functional mobility and strength of the main nervous processes. Conclusion. Low blood pressure correlates with low values of functional mobility and strength of nervous processes, with predominance of the process of internal inhibition.

Keywords: arterial hypotension, psychophysiological condition, main nervous processes, inhibition, excitation

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