ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 15 of 41
УЖМБС 2017, 2(1): 83–90
Clinical Medicine

Peculiarities of Adaptive Options in Young People with Arterial Hypotension

Isaieva I. M., Karmazina I. S., Hloba N. S., Makarova K. M.

The research included 128 students of Kharkiv national medical university who are 17-21 years old, among them there are 50 healthy individuals with normal level of arterial blood pressure and 78 individuals are with low blood pressure. People with low blood pressure were separated into two groups according to the level arterial pressure: the first group included 39 people with mean arterial pressure from 80 to 75 mm Hg and the second one included also 30 people with mean arterial pressure from 74, 9 to 70 mm Hg. The aim of the paper was to investigate adaptive reactions of physiological indices in young people with arterial hypotension. Materials and methods. The analysis of heart rate variability has been carried out at the state of rest and also parameters of hemodynamics such as heart rate, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure have been analyzed before and after physical exertion. The veloergometry was used as a physical exertion with individual duration of the test. It has been determined that the prevalence of arterial hypotension among young people in the period from 2010 to 2014 was 25-30 %. Additionally it has been defined that the frequency of occurrence of arterial hypotension among girls was 85% compared to 15% among boys. Results and conclusions. The results of the study peculiarities of adaptive reactions of cardiovascular system to physical exertion in young people with hypotension have been shown. It was analyzed the incidence of hypotension, it was given the scientific basis of integrated assessment of regulatory processes of adaptation responses that defines hidden at rest disadaptative disorders. Phenomenology of adaptive responses of cardiovascular system was described and ranked. Physiological heterogeneity of hypotensive people in relation to effective adaptation achievement, duration of recovery period and ability to work were revealed. It was established that in people with moderate hypotension the regulatory mechanisms of the autonomic nervous system are satisfactory, but the manifestations of stress adaptation mechanisms have been shown in examined people with severe hypotension. The results of the analysis of hemodynamic parameters after exercise is provided mostly by increasing of the heart rate and diastolic blood pressure, which indicates poor ability of cardiovascular system adaptation to physical activity in young people with arterial hypotension. The algorithm for detection of predisposition to cardiovascular system disadaptative disorders was proposed conducted at the dispensary and preventive medical care to identify risk groups of disadaptative disorders. The given algorithm can improve preventive and diagnostic measures during medical examinations where it is necessary to select individuals with arterial hypotension into the group of risk for maladaptive disorders development using standardized physical exertion. Where the moderate degree of maladaptarion is characterized by increasing of mean arterial pressure after physical exertion by 6-30 %, heart rate is by 80-120 %, the index of the Robinson is by 121-200 %. Expressed degree of maladaptation is characterized by increasing of mean arterial pressure more than 30 %, heart rate is more than 120 %, and the index of the Robinson contains more than 200 in comparison with the state of rest. Prospects for further investigations. It should be planed to study adaptive options in people with arterial hypotension in different age groups.

Keywords: cardiovascular system, arterial hypotension, adaptation, adaptive prediction of disadaptation

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