ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 41 of 41
УЖМБС 2017, 2(1): 231–234
Physical training and Sport

Body Strenght Fitness as One of the Perspective Form of Physical Activity Influence on Age-Dependent Adaptive Changes in Men’s Organism

Titova H. V., Bodnar A. I., Petrenko O. V., Chaban I. O., Abramov K. V.

The paper is dedicated to the study of peculiarities of adaptive changes in man’s organism of middle-aged during body strength training. The aim of the paper is to establish the stage of the study of efficacy of body strength fitness by men of different age groups in order to improve adaptive reservoir of an organism. Materials and methods. Theoretical, sociological and pedagogic methods were used in this paper. They are necessary for systemic informative analysis of scientific problem and search for ways of problem solution and development of algorithm of further practical investigations to determine conceptual tasks. Results. Received results indicate physical training of high intensity assist in increasing of adaptive possibilities of organism of examined adolescents, controlling the change of morphometric indices and level of abilities during long-lasting trainings. Received results of adolescents aged 20-21 indicate the most expressed adaptive changes in the organism which were present during physical training of high intensity and low level of work. Corresponding regimen of physical training differs from general kind of sport that defines the necessity of complex investigations in using large number of biochemical indices of blood which allow indicating not only informative indices but also assist in searching for the most effective ways to improve functional abilities of organism of people of different level of training, sex and age. Conclusions. The necessity of the investigation of age peculiarities of adaptive changes in man’s organism is caused by determination of safe borders of physical training which could cause positive changes in systems of their organism, prevent maladaptation formation, develop of overexercise, positively affect restorative processes of organism’s work, and promote rehabilitation and improvement of functional abilities. Prospects for further investigations. Study of peculiarities of adaptive changes in man’s organism of middle-aged during body strength fitness assists in development of modern models of training process with individual functional possibilities of people of this group but also gives an opportunity to investigate the mechanism of compensatory reactions on this stress factor and establish the most informative indices of biochemical and physiological control of physical training, determine standard markers for correction of parameters and intensity of physical training.

Keywords: adaptive changes, functional abilities, body strength fitness, biochemical indices of blood, physical training

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