ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 32 of 41
УЖМБС 2017, 2(1): 174–178

The Level of Adaptive Strength of School Aged Children’s Organism (7-10 years) with Scoliosis

Dychko Е. A.

The aim of the paper was to study the level of adaptive strength of school aged children’s organism of (7-10 years) based on the absolute and relative number of key populations of immunocompetent cells. It was examined the extent of adaptive strength of school aged children who suffer from scoliosis. It was based on the value of the absolute and relative stage of immunocompetent cells in the peripheral blood. Materials and methods. 15 school-aged children who suffer from the scoliosis were involved in the investigation (9 boys and 6 girls). Control group of children included 22 healthy age mates (12 boys and 10 girls). Blood sampling was done in the morning on an empty stomach for the investigation. Leukocyte’s count was done in Goryaev chamber, leukocyte formula was studied in blood smears which were stained by the method of Romanovsky-Giemsa staining in light microscope of "Olympus" (Germany). An adaptive index was used as integration test which was counted according to the ratio of the relative amount of lymphocytes and segmented neutrophils. Results. Absolute and relative ration of the main indices of immunocompetent cells was studied during the first stage which determines the degree of adaptive strength and the area of adaptation of children with scoliosis. Studying absolute and relative number of the main populations of ICC of peripheral blood of school aged children (7-10 years old) who suffer from scoliosis, it should be concluded that boys have higher ratio of eosinophils at 44,0 %, monocytes at 14.46 % than in healthy girls of the same problem. The girls with scoliosis have more (at 7.82 %) neutrophilic leucocytes due to the decrease of neutrophils at 3.32 %, and 7.53 % lymphocytes, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate by 11.74 %. School aged boys (7-10 years) with scoliosis compared with healthy ones, it was noticed by us the decrease of the absolute and relative ratio of neutrophils to the total pool of 10.78 and 5.88 %, respectively, due to the reduced of relative amounts of mature segmented neutrophils. The number of monocytes in boys with scoliosis was increased at 8.11 % and 21.57 %, respectively. They reduced erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) on 9.7 %, in comparison with healthy boys of corresponding age. Girls with scoliosis differ from their healthy peers by the decrease in the relative number of eosinophils in 2.24 times, and 5.75 % of absolute and relative ratio to the amount of 3.46 % of total pool of neutrophils by decreasing number at 4.95 % and segmented one at 3 39 % of neutrophilic polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and ESR decreased to 18.83 %. Absolute (25.9 %) and relative ratio (24.5 %) in the number of monocytes, relative ration to 8.72 % and the absolute one of 8.21 % of lymphocytes was determined in girls with scoliosis in comparison with healthy ones. The level of adaptive strength of children with scoliosis is not really studied by the reason of the limited group in certain regions. Therefore, we tried to determine the degree of stress adaptation in children with scoliosis at the age of 7-10 years. The development of this section of work required two tasks. In healthy children aged 7-10 years, the level of adaptive strength does not depend on the sex and is equal to the low level of the training. Individual indicators of adaptive strength of major part of boys are in the area of training on 66.67 %, and the girls have 90.0 % of the absolute and relative level. Comparing the level of stress adaptation in boys and girls with scoliosis it is possible to conclude that the overall level of stress adaptation in girls tends to increase by 2.27 % in comparison with boys with scoliosis of the same age. Conclusions. Adaptation index of boys with scoliosis is increased by 10 %, and 12.5 % of girls, it determines the possibility of the favorable prognosis of the psychophysical development of children in this age group (7-10 years). School aged children with scoliosis do not have low level of the adaptive strength in comparison with healthy age mates. The level of adaptive activation was established in 16.7 - 22.2 %. Prospects for further investigation. Received results are the main basis for the study of effects influence of the methods of rehabilitation means of the psychophysical status to improve adaptive processes of school aged children’s organism (7-10 years).

Keywords: school aged children (7-10 years), scoliosis, adaptive strength, immunocompetent cells

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