ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 33 of 50
УЖМБС 2016, 1(2): 151–155

Comparative Evaluation of de Ruffier-Dickson and Martine's Tests of 2-d Year of Study Young School Children

Pashkevych S.A.1, Danilenko G.M.2

There was comparative analysis of functional tests which used in the modern school. 68 pupils (38 boys and 30 girls) of the 2 year of study one of the gymnasiums Kharkiv were surveyed. Used in primary school currently functional tests do not match modern requirements and have significant shortcomings in the evaluation. It requires detailed approaches to assess the functional status of primary school children. The analysis of test de Ruffier-Dickson at the start of educational year showed that only a third of pupils had high opportunities cardiovascular system, about half of second-graders had satisfactory opportunities and several pupils had low level of development of the cardiovascular system. Based on these results, pupils were allocated for physical education groups as follows: the basic group was assigned only for 8,8 ± 3,4% of second-graders, the preparatory group - 29,4 ± 5,5%, the special - 61,8 ± 5,9%. During the second academic year, heart rate decreased by 2,5-3,1 %, systolic blood pressure of second-graders increased by 6%, diastolic blood pressure - 15%, there was not significant gender difference between this measures and pulse pressure. Also there were not changes in the work of cardiovascular system of young school children by test de Ruffier-Dickson during of academic year. The results of estimates hearts processes energy by index Robinson were estimated: more than 50% of children had insufficient functionality of the cardiovascular system. And over half of the schoolchildren had raising the possibility of cardiovascular system (57 % of boys and 44 % girls), and almost 50 % pupils or did not change indicators or lowered their results. All of the above characterized there are the uneven level of maturation cardiovascular system of pupils and low level of functionality cardiovascular system of most second-graders. For test Martine indicators are constituted 13,3 ± 0,2 points on average, with the maximum evaluation is 15 points. But the analysis of type reactions of response to standard physical activity accented the attention to the high proportion of children with abnormal and intermediate reaction. There was distribution of children by the answers of standard physical activity - 54.4 % of children had abnormal and intermediate reaction, and physiological type of reactions was identified among 44.1% of pupils. The types of pathological reactions include astheniс types, that was dominated among children and hypertensive type of the reaction (5.2%). Comparative results of two tests of Martine and de Ruffier-Dickson showed there was not match almost all measures; there was not correlation between the majorities of both tests estimates. At the end of the school year the percentage of students with pathological reaction to standard physical activity were 32.2 % (Martine's test), and 63.1 % (accordingly de Ruffier-Dickson test), There were 44.1% pupils with a physiological reaction (Martine's test) and 36.6% (accordingly de Ruffier-Dickson test). So negative assessment de Ruffier-Dickson test were almost two times higher than Martine's test results and positive assessment de Ruffier-Dickson test were slightly understated. When comparing the results of two groups, divided according to the results of infarction energy supply (depend on the high and low index Robinson) found that the functional state of the first group of pupils by the results of functional tests were better than the assessment of the second group. And results of Martine's test of young school children identified more clearly these differences. But Martine's test is more time-consuming, requires additional equipment (tonometer, not just a stopwatch), and complex calculations for its analysis is required.

Keywords: de Ruffier-Dickson test, Martine's test, young school children, the functional state

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