ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 31 of 50
УЖМБС 2016, 1(2): 144–146

Component Balanced Diet as Healthy Lifestyle Student

Muskharina Yu.Yu., Babak V.V., Gutareva N. V., Burov Yu.V., Rudenko A.S., Makarenko A.V.

The health of students, its performance in general and sports in particular, resistance to disease, to grow and evolve largely depends on living. An integral, indispensable part of it is a healthy balanced adequate nutrition. At the present stage of state to say not only and not so much about health and disease of young people, as did the future survival of the nation, since the state-Health Ukraine's population, especially the younger generation, is a challenge that requires urgent and effective resolution. And proved beyond doubt the fact that Homo sapiens is a biological and social being. Naturally, in order to ensure growth and development processes of the human body must be satisfied a number of requirements, among which the most important is not food. After all, by and large the human body is that it consumes. Food should provide energy, plastic and other needs of the body, the required level of metabolic homeostasis of internal environment, to support the growth and development of the body, functioning of organs and systems contributing to the development of various conditions for work and rest. Analyzing recent research, it is clear that the economic inaccessibility of population and natural food manufacturers attempt to reduce the price of their products due to non-food ingredients (food additives) lead to significant changes in the quality of food all segments of the population. Increasingly, people eat and drink products that are high-but the low-nutritious, known as "food-garbage" ("junk food"). This adversely affects the nutritional status and health of the population, especially young people, leads to the so-called "hidden hunger", lack of nutrients, especially minerals and vitamins. With a balanced diet is inextricably linked to the definition of its physiological norms. They are average indicative values that best reflect the needs of certain groups in the nutrients and energy. In particular, according to the norms physiological needs for energy and nutrients for students Ukraine (Ministry of Health of Ukraine of 18.11.1999 p .№272 ) - is 2000-2450 calories per day. Our research found that nutrition students - athletes neglected either by the young, either by the teachers - trainers. Energy, caloric value of the food ration is calculated only 2,67%. For diet follows 66.29% of students. The qualitative composition of the diet in general nobody cares. Rehabilitation in general and sports in particular, unfortunately, is not an effective part of the training process. Solving the problem of optimizing the quality of the diet will enable students to positively influence the health of young people.

Keywords: health, balanced nutrition adequate management student, homeostasis, diet

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