ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 59 of 59
УЖМБС 2016, 1(1): 286–290
Physical training and Sport

Determination Secure Loads in A Power Fitness

Chernozub A., Minenko A., Titova А., Dymova А., Dymov К.

The article is devoted to the problem of determining the value of physical activity (% of max), for a different level of physical capability contingent, which will have a positive impact on the efficiency of the training process without showing the pathophysiological changes in the body. 20 untrained young men in ages of 19 – 20 years were examined. The structure of the control test and laboratory studies of blood samples is similar in content to the one used for the solution of the first phase of the experiment. LDH concentration in the serum was determined by the kinetic method on the equipment "HIGHTECHNOLOGYINC" (USA). The level LDH registered of young in the condition of rest before and after the training session. In the results of research it was set that our proposed exercise regimes, in which the weight ratio of the working complication is 70-80% of the one-time maximum force efforts, are optimal for the experienced athletes and for untrained persons. Determined that optimal exercises do not influence on the level of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in the blood serum of untrained young men, and at the same time it promotes the statistically significant decrease in the enzyme in athletes. It is expose that temperate physical loads practically don’t influence the level of LDH’s content in blood serum of untrained young people, and at the same time it promotes valid decrease of given enzyme, which allows assumption about the presence of compensatory mechanisms and change of their activity depending on the level of training of the contingent under study.

Keywords: physical activities, adaptation, safety requirements, activity of lactate dehydrogenase

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