ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 52 of 59
УЖМБС 2016, 1(1): 252–256
Physical training and Sport

Search of Effective Forms and Methods of Increase of Level of Physical Fitness and the Positive Relation of Students to Classes in Physical Training in the Highest Medical Educational Institutions

Pustolyakova L.N., Dyachenko A. P., Ziva V.P.

The article focuses on the problem of physical training of students of higher medical institution, to improve methods of physical education in higher education. Notes that in recent years has shown a steady trend to poor health and level of physical fitness of students. Specifies the search for effective forms and methods of improving physical fitness and health of students. Defined organizational and pedagogical conditions for effective organization of physical education students. Highlights of the study results that show that the process of physical education of students in the experimental groups was held effectively. Consistently decreasing number of students with average and increasing the number of students with sufficient and high levels of physical fitness, which generally indicative of experimental groups transition to a qualitatively new level of development of physical skills. Creating a positive attitude towards physical education and professional- applied physical training promoted the inclusion of students in education to study the problem; attract students to teacher evaluation activity and adequate formation of their self-esteem. Obtained in the research results indicate that the use in the educational process of education and educational opportunities for interdisciplinary connections specialized courses in universities necessary and productive and promotes the importance of physical education for students and their involvement in various kinds of sports -sanitary activities. For the duration of the first two years the indicators of physical training of students significantly improved, which was a result of the introduction of specially selected methods and organizational forms. Theoretical analysis of physical education medical students showed that as long as there is no single approach to clarify the nature of the process and appointed purposeful activity on formation of readiness of students to work independently from the physical self. The main areas of work that contribute to the elimination of these shortcomings, is effective management of physical education in medical universities based on their specific professional, good organizational and methodological support professionally -applied physical preparation of students, develop an integrated system of measures to promote health, psychological support, taking into account the interests and inclinations, familiarization with specific specialties and selected requirements. The result of physical education students should be purposeful formation and consolidation of their motivation and perceived need to deal professionally applied physical preparation and care of their own health. The content of physical education of university students in the study interpret as the relationship professionally applied, motor, sports and recreation activities, as reflected in the self- regarding choice of methods, organizational forms of physical education and sports. The study suggested exercises to enhance the professional-applied physical training, development of strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, agility, posture correction of deficiencies, the development of the musculoskeletal system and muscle groups needed for successful professional activity. Content opens in educational programs and provided manuals, guidelines. The basic methods and organizational forms of physical education in universities. The study, proposed theoretical propositions, conclusions and recommendations can be used to organize physical education in universities. The study does not claim exhaustive review of all aspects of the abovementioned problem exhaust all aspects of physical education university. Further studies need to study the issue of problem of providing individually oriented approach to professional-applied physical training of students of medical universities, identify innovative approaches to its implementation in the specific conditions of institutions and development of scientifically based technologies of teaching " Physical education" for different professions with clearly differentiated assessment of professional skills and professional- applied physical qualities to help the successful professional future fulfillment specialist.

Keywords: efficiency, physical education, physical training

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