ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 51 of 59
УЖМБС 2016, 1(1): 246–251
Physical training and Sport

The Joint Influence of Vibrational Loads and a Zeolite-Containing Dietary Addition on the Special Workability and the Parameters of Homeostasis of Skilled Rowers

Kruchyns’kyi N.G.1, Gunina L.M.2, Chykina I.V.2

The application of the means of recovery or stimulation of a workability, which are inadequate to the current functional state of athlete’s organism, can cause a decrease in the efficiency of an exercise, a change of the directivity of a training effect, or the appearance of unfavorable side effects. It is especially important to take this circumstance into account in the process of recovery of sportsmen, particularly after high loads in a separate training exercise or in a training microcycle, since purely ergogenic means cannot be used without a rational approach to the usage of recovery means. Therefore, the necessity in the formation of an algorithm of application of a means of stimulation of the workability arises. This is possible, from our viewpoint, only under conditions of the comprehension of the primary point, where the means acts, and at the adequate evaluation of its influence on organism with the use of modern technologies. Such technologies should demonstrate those changes of the metabolic and functional characters that appear in organism under the action of a proposed method of stimulation of the physical workability. The mentioned evaluation can be based on either general biological or generally accepted factors reflecting the peculiarities of a state of organism, which correspond to training loads, as well as on the application of the newest technologies allowing one to adequately estimate the activity of main metabolic links limiting the physical workability of sportsmen. The vibrational load was chosen as an ergogenic extratraining factor, because it is considered to render the most universal characteristic mechanical action among all known loads, because it affects practically all structural levels of a holistic system such as alive organism. This load acts on the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, and metabolic systems, locomotory functions, sensory processes, central nervous system, etc. We present the results of the influence of a joint application of vibrational loads and an ion-selective sorbing substance as extratraining ergogenic factors on the efficiency of a training. We studied skilled representatives of cyclic sports, namely, rowers on kayaks and canoes, for which the metabolic changes related to the mainly aerobic mechanism of energy supply are most pronounced. The cellular composition of peripheric blood was determined with the help of an automatic hematologic analyzer “Erma РСЕ 210” (ERMA Inc., Japan). The biochemical indicators were evaluated in blood serum on a semiautomatic analyzer “Humalyzer 3000” (Human, Germany). The comparison of the obtained indicators of homeostasis was carried out with reference values obtained at the Laboratory of stimulation of workability and adaptative reactions in high achievement sports of the Sci. Research Institute of the National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine. It is established that the proposed influence does not lead to an unfavorable influence on homeostatic indicators, which characterize the activity of the main systems of organism. On the contrary, this influence regulates the activity of natural-detoxication organs, normalizes the functions of organs of the pancreaticoduodenal zone, and stimulates erythropoiesis, which is accompanied by the conservation of revealed positive post-loading changes. Against this background, we mention the increase in indicators of the special workability characterizing the velocity-force qualities of rowers, which allows us to recommend such methodology for the introduction in the practice of preparation of the representatives of cyclic sports.

Keywords: rowing on kayaks and canoes, physical workability, vibrational loads, zeolite-containing dietary additions, homeostasis

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