ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 49 of 59
УЖМБС 2016, 1(1): 238–240
Physical training and Sport

Influence of Physical Activities on the Immune, Metabolic and Microbiological Status Athletes and Correction of Developing Countries

Kazimirko N.K., Shan'ko V.M., Movchan T.L., Stupnitsky N.S.

The results of studies that fully reflect the characteristics and the degree of influence of physical-heating of the dressings of varying intensity in the power sports and martial arts on the immune, metabolic and microbiological status of athletes. On-observation was conducted on 108 athletes are engaged in weightlifting at the age of 17-25 years: 108 athletes - young men who were engaged in the Greco-Roman wrestling at the age of 14-18 years; 210 athletes - men 18-22 years old (Greco-Roman); 70 fin-men aged 18-20 years; 198 athletes - men 18-24 years old, who were engaged in running middle distance and judo. With the help of anthropometric, functional, immunological, microbiological, statistical techniques are changes in the body of athletes during physical on-load of varying intensity and develop adequate measures, rehabilitation of: drugs used drug-free effect. It was found that the pico-tions exercise inhibit cellular and humoral immuno-eignty: suppress the phagocytic activity of neutrophils and monocytes, reduce the production of antibodies, interferon; developing T-lymphopenia, an imbalance in the system of the T-helper / inducer and cytotoxic T-suppressor-type relative hypersupressory options Auto-ary immunodeficiency and reducing the absolute number of B-lymphocytes, inhibition of the synthesis of Ig A, M, and G. Rehabilitation measures at-Menen "Selenium-asset", cykloferon, quercetin, phytocollecting, amizone or combinations of these drugs a positive effect on the immune and Metabo-crystal-homeostasis athletes.

Keywords: physical activity, metabolism, microbiological status of the athlete-sky, immunodeficiency

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