ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 47 of 59
УЖМБС 2016, 1(1): 225–229
Physical training and Sport

System Principles of the Application of Allowed Pharmacologic Agents to the Recovery and the Stimulation of the Physical Performance

Gunina L.M.

The stimulation of the physical workability in sports and its methodology is the key problem joining the set of various aspects of the sport training and is simultaneously the integral part of a recovery. The overcoming of difficulties related to the search for the optimum mode of training loads in separate exercises and in microcycles, as well as the creation of adequate conditions for the running of restoring and special adaptive processes, can be realized in two directions: first, due to the optimization of the planning of a teaching training process; second, by means of the targeted use of various means for the recovery of the workability of sportsmen. In the sporting practice, the most important aspect of the recovery includes the usage of means with such directivity in the daily teaching training process with the purpose to efficiently develop the locomotory qualities and to enhance a functional state of sportsman’s organism. In this case, it is necessary to remember that the restoring means by themselves are frequently an additional load on the basic limiting systems, which can weaken their effect on the ergogenic properties of organism. Therefore, the high sporting results can be attained only due to the knowledge of regularities of the usage of means for the recovery and the stimulation of the workability and to their substantiated combined application against the background of a rational training process. The professional activity of a sportsman, especially a high-skilled one, is realized under conditions of a permanent increase in the intensity and the duration of physical loads, psychological stress, and climatic-temporal changes. In view of the deterioration of the state of the environment as a result of the technogenous activity of the humanity, it becomes clear that sportsman’s organism is working at the limit of spare possibilities. The combined (simultaneous or successive) action of several factors leads to the strengthening of their mutual influence on organism. As a reaction to the action of unfavorable professional-ecological factors in certain doses with some intensities and durations, the states of limiting tension of the mechanisms of adaptation with the inverse phenomena of dysadaptation can be developed. Starting from the structural-functional unity of the compensatory-adaptive processes, it is possible to consider that the action of an extreme irritant induces a state of sportsman’s organism, which is characterized by the transition from the maximum admissible tension of compensatory reactions ensuring the conservation of homeostasis to the state of dysadaptation. The medico-biological aspect of the problem of the recovery of a sporting workability should be considered in two mutually connected directions: first, the recovery of sportsmen in the course of a teaching training process; second, the recovery of the workability after old diseases, traumata, and overstrains, i.e., the medical rehabilitation proper. From these two directions, only the former is a pharmacocorrective one The methods of pharmacologic action of human organism under conditions of the intense sporting activity, which are aimed at the conservation of the health of highly skilled sportsmen, must be based, firstly, on the use of substance unforbidden by WADA in the form of preparations and dietary additions promoting the acceleration of the processes of recovery and an increase in the physical workability and, secondly, on the contemporary knowledge on the increase in a degree of antioxidant protection, decrease in the expression of the syndrome of endotoxicosis, acceleration of the growth of neogenic vessels (physiologic angiogenesis) and erythropoiesis, improvement of the metabolic support of the muscular activity, including the contracting activity of heart through the improvement of metabolism in cardiomyocytes, optimization of the functioning of central nervous system, etc.

Keywords: sport, non-prohibited pharmacological means, structure principles, metabolism

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