ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 34 of 59
УЖМБС 2016, 1(1): 165–168

The Change of Electrocardiogram Workers Railway Transport

Korzenevska O. R., Severynovska O.V.

Adverse influence of professional andproduction factors of driver’s locomotives and assistants drivers’railway transport effects on the development of metabolic changes in the myocardiumand disturbance of cardiac rhythm and cardiac conduction. These workers also have a progressive of arterial hypertension with other severe complications of the cardiovascular system. This can lead to disability and death in working age The aim of the study was to determine structural-functional changes of cardiovascular system in drivers with hypertension. Methods. With the aim of studying the distinctive featureelectrocardiographic recordsin locomotive drivers and their assistant carried out an ECG examination: railroad workers with arterial hypertension (I group), railroad workers without arterial hypertension (II group), III group – managers, ІVgroup - the railway employees of the subsidiary specialties (wagon inspectors, fitters). The results and discussion.Was analyzed and studied by EKG of machinists of locomotives of the Pridneprovsk railway (st. Pyatihatky). Among cardiovascular diseases a significant part of arterial hypertension and vascular dystonia.In 15% workers of railway stations and 45% managers was left ventricular hypertrophy. Some of themhave violations of cardiac rhythm and cardiac conduction. In some cases (2%), documented myocardial ischemia.The locomotive drivers and their assistants prevailed ECG-signs of left ventricular hypertrophy and nonspecific changes. Most often recorded sinus tachycardia and ventricular extrasystoles. The experience of locomotive drivers in stressful conditions affects the cardiovascular system. With increasing seniority decreases the amplitude of the regular rhythms of the cardiovascular system (heart rate variability) in all frequency ranges of the spectrum ECG. With the increase of work experience increased the percentage of persons with hypertrophia and nonspecific myocardial changes in heart rhythm. The values of heart rate before the flight and after it displayed a wide variability in locomotive drivers with hypertension and relative constancy in individuals with symptomatic arterial hypertension. Based on these data, we made conclusions: The locomotive drivers and their assistants dominates the initial stage of hypertension, however, there are a number of factors of the production process, which contribute to the progress of the disease.Among them: hour shift work, a high level of neuro-emotional stress, vibration and noise. The characteristic feature of the ECG changes in locomotive drivers and assistant drivers with arterial hypertension is increase in their frequency depending work experience. The dominant pathologies of the locomotive drivers were ECG signs of left ventricular hypertrophy and nonspecific changes, the frequency of which increased with increasing experience.

Keywords: аrterial hypertension, cardio-vascular system, locomotive drivers, electrocardiogram

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