ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 24 of 59
УЖМБС 2016, 1(1): 110–113

Quality of Life in Patients with High Cardiovascular Risk and Comorbid Pathologies

Shkapo V.L.1, Nesen A.А.1, Chyrva O.V.1, Vysotskaya E.V.2, Pecherskaya A.I.2

In recent years, to assess the level of social and psychological well-being and health of patients a lot of attention is paid to improving of quality of life (QOL) of patients. Currently, the concept of "quality of life" is the subject of research and become more accurate - "quality of life, health-related." Purpose of the study - to assess the quality of life in patients with high cardiovascular risk and comorbid disorders and to establish the effect of blood pressure on the quality of life. Object and methods. On the basis of the department of population studies its were examined 284 patients with essential hypertension and symptomatic arterial hypertension and comorbid disorders (coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, heart failure at the moment of survey, diabetes, mostly type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney disease). According to gender differences, patients were divided into 109 (38.4%) males and 175 (61.6%) females, average age - (58.5±0.3) years. Quality of life was assessed using a special SF-36 questionnaire. It contained 36 items grouped into eight scales: physical functioning (PF), role-physical functioning (RF), bodily pain (BP), general health (GH), vitality (VT), social functioning (SF), role-emotional (RE) and mental health (MH). The patient chose the answer to the proposed question. Every answer was evaluated in points. Indicators of QOL were examined after 12 months of treatment. Results and discussion. Surveyed patients had a significant decrease in assessments on all scales, compared with a healthy population. Scores that characterizes the role functioning were particularly low. Thus in patients with hypertension stage II they were - 25.00 [0.00; 75.00] (RF) and 33.30 [0.00; 100.00] (RE). This indicates that these patients experienced significant limitations in performing daily activities due to both physical and mental condition. In patients with hypertension III degree and type 2 diabetes, almost all indicators of quality of life were significantly lower than the corresponding figures in patients with hypertension II degree and type 2 diabetes mellitus (p<0,05). Also, while comparing the quality of life in patients with hypertension and chronic kidney disease was found significantly worse results in patients with hypertension III degree than in patients with hypertension II degree. Common indicators of physical health (PH) and mental health (MH) in patients with hypertension III degrees and chronic kidney disease were - 34.15 [30.45; 38,83] and 34.60 [29.30; 43.33], respectively. Patients with hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus, who also was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, had a statistically worse results of PF, RF, BP, GH, PH, than patients without coronary heart disease. General figures were respectively - 38.20 [32.95; 44.25] (PH) and 40.30 [32.05; 49.00] (MH) (p<0.05). The treatment significantly improved quality of life. In patients with hypertension II degree significantly increased such indicators as RF, BP, VT, SF. Also significantly increased the general figures - PH from 45.60 [41.70; 55.00] to 50.30 [47.90; 51.00], MH from 39.30 [33.40; 43.50] to 43.20 [39.90; 45.80] (p<0.05). Conclusions. In surveyed patients it was recorded a significant reduction in estimates for all indicators of quality of life, compared with the healthy population. The deterioration of the quality of life in the studied patients with hypertension and comorbid pathology essentially depends on the presence of cardiovascular complications. Under the influence of the treatment of patients the adaptation to the society is improving, improving their physical and psychological condition.

Keywords: quality of life, high cardiovascular risk, comorbidity

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