ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 22 of 59
УЖМБС 2016, 1(1): 103–106

The State Medical Policy of Increase of the Level of Quality of Medical Care in Ukraine

Sharkan’M.P.1, Sharkan’ Ya.P.1, Chemirisov V. V.2

In this scientific work, we are considering state medical policy of improving quality of health service and medical care. We conducting a comprehensive study of the legal activities of legislative and executive power, which makes it possible to monitor the quality of care, improve the skills of health workers and to develop a scientific career. We had analyzed the conditions created in Ukraine for the implementation of the European approach for the development of medical and technological documents based on the best clinical guidelines adapted to the conditions of the national health care system; we can draw the following conclusion. Medical policies aimed at the quality of care in Ukraine, develops in harmony and unification with generally accepted international norms and standards. Introduction. The basis of public health policy forms the supreme legislative body is Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by consolidating the constitutional and legislative principles of health, determine its objectives, main tasks approving national health programs. And the implementation of public health policy rests with the executive body. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine organizes the development and implementation of state programs, creating economic, legal and institutional mechanisms that promote effective action in the health sector. An objective of representative research is medical policy of Ukraine aimed at the development of health care in Ukraine. Every citizen of Ukraine has the right to health and the provision of quality health care. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in detail the assessment of its elements. Since the quality of medical care is important for the life and health of every citizen. And is it necessary for a modern and developed state. A regulatory activity of legislative and executive power allows you to control the quality of medical care, improve the skills of medical workers and to develop a scientific career. For complex and comprehensive improvement of the health care system we need to analyze, what today the state is doing to improve the quality of care and services in Ukraine. For this purpose, we have considered the existing legislative and other regulatory legal acts, materials and procedural rules which govern the relations of health protection in Ukraine. For this, we used theoretical and empirical research methods. Improving the quality of medical care and assistance is only possible when the improvement program will include not only the improvement of the legal framework in the field of health, but also will be applied. The changes that will occur should solve the real problems that exist in the health system. To do this, clarification and formulation of problems should be determined not only by the central executive power, but each separate administrative unit. Important for real improvement of medical care need better funding of this sector. This will create conditions for new scientific discoveries and sustainable development training of health workers. In addition the organization of professional development should actively participate in such structures as the senior health authorities and associations at the regional level by conducting workshops, training in the workplace, and so on. A higher education undergraduate and postgraduate education, conduct lectures seminars, trainings and other. Therefore, good funding and skills workers will improve the level of quality of care in Ukraine. Thus, medical policy is a system of principles and activities of States to ensure the required level of health care through special programs and activities.

Keywords: medical policy, health service, medical care. health protection

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